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Some of my tomatoes look poorly ...


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Thanks gemini man - that's really helpful (I didn't know you could search for images like that!)

I think it's down to the masses of rain we've been having, together with really poor air circulation around a couple of the plants which are a bit too close together.  I'll keep an eye on them.

Thanks again

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[quote user="chocccie"]

Thanks gemini man - that's really helpful (I didn't know you could search for images like that!)


I think you can find pics of virtually anything on Google - so maybe worth checking your search filter setting first (in preferences) - there's some pretty scary stuff there sometimes under innocuous headings !!! [:$]

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This is like looking at Blacks Medical Dictionary - you convince yourself you have berry berry disease!

I'm now convinced myself that my tomatoes have all of these afflictions!  But I'm probably overreacting.

What are the symptoms of too much rain on the tomato plants?   Some of my plants have really shrivelled up dead looking leaves ... and brown blotches on the stems.  Could this be a result of the masses of rain we've had over the last couple of weeks.?  I'm inclined to pull up the ones which are affected ... am I being hasty?   [8-)]

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Choccie toms and pots are the same family and blight is blight.  I suggest you (not personally) have blight cut down the foliage burn it and pot wise see if you have retained any crop.  Toms dig them up and burn them.

Its the April heat then May and now June is airborne spores just unlucky.  Me neighbour who lives two minutes away last year had it I did not.  This year she does not have it I do!



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[:(]  Thanks Llwyncelyn... I've looked for more images of blight and some of my tomatoes definately have blight  (I can't believe how sad I am!!!)

I have about 60 tomato plants (I got a bit carried away).  I'm going to go out now and dig up and burn all those with symptoms.  Is there a chance that some of my tomatoes will not develop blight?  They are planted in the same half acre of land, but separate patches.  Is there something I can spray them with (copper-something?) to help protect them, or am I fighting a loosing battle.

I'm gutted!  [:(]

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Hold on choccie, before you make a berk of yourself with your neighbours, the rain and cold conditions have affected a lot of plants and rust and other ailments are quite prevalent, but are the growing tips of your tomatoes healthy?  If so leave them alone.

Tomatoes like a lot of plants don't like standing in water and that is why they look unhealthy, if you haven't got purple veins on the yellow leaves and the growing tips look healthy, now it has dried up and warmed up a bit, leave well alone for a week or so and then have another look.

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have a look here: http://tinyurl.com/d8lak

click on the part of plant that has the problem, then click on the picture that appears similar et voila

it might help to confirm that blight is the problem and if so which type of blight.

also found this: If

blight appears during the growing season, control is somewhat more

difficult. Cut off affected branches as soon as you spot signs of

blight. If only one of your plants is affected, remove that plant from

the garden.

Good luck :)

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We lost our potatoes virtually overnight. The stems just turned blackish and keeled over. It looks like potato blight to me and I think it has been brought on by this warm humid weather. We should have sprayed with Bordeaux Mixture but left it too late. the undersides of the leaves have a greyish dusty depostit which I think are the spores. The rain washes the spores into the ground and it affects the tubers. We have cut all the stems and we'll leave the tubers for a few days before harvesting what's left.

Next year we'll be prepared!! The weather hasn't been like while we've been here, normally it's getting very hot by now with little or no rain so the conditions are quite different.

I think the French call this disease "mildou", and it does affect tomatoes too.

EDIT: Sorry, I've just spotted a thread about Potato Blight further down the list!! [:$]

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Hi Sid & Gemini Man

Thanks for the replies and for the very handy website gemini, I've put it straight in my favourites.  Late blight is what Ihave... I've burned everything with a hint of it and will keep an eagle eye on the rest of the plants.. I've sprayed them with Bordeaux mix, but know that it is probably way too late for that.  So, I'll just keep my fingers crossed and learn a lesson for next year.

I'll plant up some more seeds to go in the polytunnel .

At least the courgettes are loving all this rain.

Thanks again  [:)]

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