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Mirabelles with everything

Tony F Dordogne

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Well, it's that time of year again when the mirabelles, red and yellow, are fruiting.

So, after you've made inumerable mirabelle tarts and pies, turnovers and as much jam as you'll ever need (with noix, peaches/apricots, made marmalade, dropped kirsch and port in for a change) and the mirabelle trees are still hugely laden, any ideas - I'm thinking of eau de vie but I'm not sure whether I can use fruit from the tree or just need to use the masses of windfalls.

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Ours have been finished for a couple of weeks now.  This year, as previously, we used all we could and then put them outside in 2kilo bags for passers by.  Again very popular and we finally gave away about 140 kilos. Saves them rotting and going to waste and we also tend to receive the odd jar or two of other peoples confiture.
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Finished! Goodness, mine are nowhere near ready. They are usually ripe around the second week of August. One year I spent days stoning them all, then laid them out to freeze  individually, after that I put them in bags, each bag had enough to make one pie. Last year I gave most of them away!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lucky you, our trees haven't got any fruit this year [:(]. Last year I chucked some extra ones in the freezer, bagged up just as they were and they stewed up beautifully in the winter, as long as you don't mind lots of stones in your pud!
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