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Anyone tried an automated watering system from a rain but?

friend of stouby

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Trying to work out a system of automated watering for about 15 planters and tubs while we are in England. The off the shelf systems appear to rely on water pressure from a mains tap (minimum 1 bar) to operate the on/off valve although the timer is battery operated.

As we will be away for about 6 weeks it is scary to think what would happen if the valve missfunctioned and allowed our 3 bar tap water to run for that period of time.

Does anyone know of a valve sytem that will work off battery or mains electricity but doesn't require any water pressure to open and close the valve, or even an acurate drip feed valve that could be adjusted to a really low setting and left permanently on? On as a last resort anyone who has used a store bought system that worked reliably over a long period of time?


Thanks a lot


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I think Gardena do a low pressure valve, seem to remember seeing one in their catalogue.

I installed several higher pressure sustems this year.  Problems with them all unfortunately but the weather has been so wet, hasn't really been necessary to use them.

There is a way of doing it with the higher pressure valve tho, but you need to get one with a timer.  It feeds into a bag to which you attach seep hoses, set the timer to come on during the night just to top it up and it should be fine for 6 weeks - golden rule, change the batteries in the valve every time you go away or at least once a year.

And the valves are designed to reduce the pressure so those I have don't come through at the same bar.

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Thanks for that Tony, and as you say it has been so wet that it shouldn't really matter, but have had to leave the house for a couple of times for a week a piece and due to rain being forecast left the pots where they were. First time nearly lost them all as there were 3 sunny days and we face south, it probably didn't rain for the other 4 days that week too! The second time put the pots in the shade but that created a rain shadow and they were pretty dry after a week.

S-d's law says that the weather in France will be warm and sunny while we are away, and anyway we have to work in the UK from time to time so this is an ongoing problem.

You mentioned the bag system, is this from a known manufacturer or made up from individual pieces? Thanks for taking the trouble to write, you have given me some ideas to persue.


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In the UK  before we go away we leave our hanging baskets and patio tubs  near our water butt  on the ground and use a dripper  water kit connected to the water butt tap... The water butt is up on a stand  higher than the baskets  so you get a head of water and you can by turning the tap half on  control the rate of the drips ....we go away for a month at a time knowing we start off with a full butt of water and hope with any rain we get it will top up the water butt faster than it all drips away ...Its worked so far....the kits you can get from garden centers .and some of the DIY stores ....its thin black tube you cut to length and push the drippers in where you want them ....they come with a tap connection and plastic spikes that are designed to grip the tube  then you push them into the tub or basket compost  .....its a bit fiddly laying it all out and getting them  all dripping .... highest near the butt lowest further away ...it works ...You can use the system on a garden tap with the pressure turned down very low I should think.... so if it came apart  you would not lose a lot of water under high pressure ....
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in France, it is called L'ARROSAGE GOUTTE À GOUTTE (watering drip by drip)

have a look here on this site for more info they are available in just about every brico or garden centre every where. Although usually just one system and brand. They are not exactly interchangable.

also have a look here for the details of the Gardena system in English  and their kits here. We use the Gardena system here for most of our veggies. You will need to have some way of ensuring that there is enough pressure from your water b u t t for it to do anything or from a tap set low

You can get a kit but you are probably better off just planning for and buying the exact bits you need. Wait a minute, this kit sounds just up your street, it comes with its own pump which goes inside the water but t


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Jane and Danny I will go slowly.  There is a gardening company based in Chesterfield called Two Wests and Elliott.  Thus Mr and Mrs West.  Elliott was their favourite sidekick of a dog and if you go to their web site you will be able hopefully to then understand. It is a limited liability company registered with Companies House in Cardff.  Thus you could be called Jane and Danny go slowly or quickly Ltd. or whatever they chose to incorporate the name of their dog when they registered the company.

They have lots and lots of watering equipment on their site and are somewhat of specialists in the area of garden irrigation.

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Jane and Danny a quote from the Two Wests and Elliott Ltd web site.

'The company was founded over thirty years ago by Christopher and Josephine West with their 'sleeping partner' Elliott.  Ellie is the current mascot of the company.'

I have dealt with them for years and they must be one of the largest suppliers of gardening kit in the UK.

Hope that helps.

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