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Service Public email.


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I have an account on the https://www.service-public.fr site which pulls together lots of the different agencies thereby saving duplication of effort (in the case of a change of address for example)

Today I received an email saying my accout will be closed from the 1st July and inviting me to open a new one with a link at the bottom of the mail to the site where I am to open it.

I am rather suspicious since there is no explanation of the reasons for this, I have seen nothing in the Press about it, and of course there is a lot of confidential information involved.

Googling I found this which sounds re-assuring, but I am still hesitant.


has anyone else received this mail or know anything more about this change?

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[quote user="NormanH"] ... has anyone else received this mail or know anything more about this change?


Yes I rec'd the same notice and message from them a couple of weeks ago. I opened our account after we moved house 4 years ago. A close friend rec'd the same email some time ago, she had used the service when she moved house 5 years ago.

Sorry I haven't read your metronews link yet but the info I came across said the service public were closing everyone's account and inviting everyone to create a new account.

Seems to me to be an updating exercise.


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I had a message some weeks ago, whilst I was travelling, and so ignored it and thought I would see what happened, (not that important to get I thought if it did disappear).  Nothing happened, and I am still getting the emails from service public.

No idea if it is a scam, but as ever, if in doubt, I do nothing.  It is not as though it is difficult to re-subscribe if it does disappear, anyhow. 

Paypal scams have been a bit more active recently too ... they must all be short of something to occupy their time!

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It is explained on the web site

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