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Albizia problem


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We purchased the 'pink fluffy tree' variety a few months ago, dug hole, removed rocks, compost and fed well. Few weeks after it was attacked by small white mites (never seen before) which munched through leaves! Sprayed to kill the mites. Now it is looking very sick with pale green/yellow leaves. Any ideas? Hope it did not require sandy, poor soil and no feed!

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We had the little white bugs on three of our Silk Trees. Sprayed the small ones but not the large tree - they all survived and thrived :)

The pale green/yellow leaves are probably just a sign of Autumn and them thinking about dropping but it does sound as though your tree could do with some general shrub feed granules - sprinkle a handful or two around the base in early Spring also a mulch of grass cuttings from Spring onwards would be a good thing to help retain moisture. They're not overly happy in poor soil but once established it will be fine especially if you feed it each year. One other thing - in the first few years the trunk is usually rather whippy and the tree becomes very top-heavy when in leaf so it's a good idea to stake the tree well, preferably with 2 meter stakes angled from 3 directions to keep it properly upright.

Oh, and don't forget to talk to it :)

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