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I've not grown celery before, and it's looking rubbish!

It started off OK, then it got a mottled look to the outside leaves (my neighbours looks the same and he cut it off and throws it, as I have been doing).  Then it grows quickly, only to have the outside leaves effected in the same way.  Only the leaves are effected, not the stalks (doesn't look like blight).

Advice please.  I'm thinking of pulling it all up as it's taking up valuable space.

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possibly celery fly - see here: http://tinyurl.com/2yk6z2


celery leaf spot - sorry, can't find a suitable pic



Celery is not an easy crop to grow successfully,

and its culture is made even more difficult by

four serious problems which can plague this crop.

Three of these problems are easily noticed whenever

they occur – celery fly, celery leaf spot

and slugs. The fourth problem is shortage of water,

and here the effects are less obvious but no less

devastating. Prolonged dryness at the roots will

invariably lead to the production of plants with

inedible hearts."

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