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Complete France Forum

Sweet Peas and Sweet Potatoes


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What are Sweet Peas called in France please, just looking through the Baumaux catalogue and can't seem to see them.

Also, I know that Sweet Potato is called Potate Doux but does anyone know where the sets can be bought?  Again I've looked through Baumaux and can't see them.

I love Sweet Potato and am hoping to grow some if possible.

Many thanks

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Mogs, there is a thread about sweet potatoes, in this gardening section, as I asked the question not so long ago.

It seems that Thompson & Morgan sell the sweet potato sets, but only for their UK market. There is nothing about sweet potatoes in their French catalogue, which I have. So you could probably have a set sent to you at a UK address, etc... perhaps not much good to you.

For some reason I am having difficulties loading with the forum at the moment, so I can't  post the link to the thread in question, but if you look you should find it, complete with tips (from expert growers) about growing sweet potatoes.....from existing sweet potatoes, in humid sand, and there is also a couple of good links.

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