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Lapins & Lievres repulsif


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I have bought a bottle of Decamp Repulsif longue duree liquid for repelling rabbits and hares, but I do not understand the instructions.

We have a small flower plot in front of the house, about 4 metres by 2 metres, which we want to protect, and we bought this stuff just to move the hares on to another place less intrusive.

The instructions say "Impregner une ficelle de chanvre avec le repulsif et la fixer en 2 ou 3 rangs distants de 10 cm sur des petits piquets repartis tout autour de la surface de la parcelle a proteger".  This is accompanied by a photo of a single strand of string running around the perimeter of a plot, and supported about 5 cm above the ground on little sticks about 10 cm apart.

Now, I understand about the string and impregnating it, but how do you lay out the string?  My wife says it should be 2 or 3 strands of string tied vertically 10 cms apart on each stick (like a wire fence), around the perimeter of the plot, but I say it should be one strand high, but woven across the plot at a distance of 10 cm between each run of string.  Whichever, neither method is shown in the photo.

Has anyone used this stuff, and what did they find the best method?

Many thanks,



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[quote user="David"]

The instructions say "Impregner une ficelle de chanvre avec le repulsif et la fixer en 2 ou 3 rangs distants de 10 cm sur des petits piquets repartis tout autour de la surface de la parcelle a proteger".  This is accompanied by a photo of a single strand of string running around the perimeter of a plot, and supported about 5 cm above the ground on little sticks about 10 cm apart.




I think your wife is right. "Tout autour de la surface" would translate as "all around the plot".

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thanks trees,

I think you are correct.  Yesterday we had a French neighbour in, who advised that the string should be set up around the plot, and that the "en 2 ou 3 rangs" meant that the string should be wound round each "petite piquet" 2 or three times.


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