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UK plants to France?


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When we moved here our removal company told us that this was not allowed but that they often took the odd plant across and hid it where it was unlikely to be spotted!  However, on the French customs site, this is all I can find:

Marchandises interdites ou soumises à des formalités particulières

- les biens à double usage civil et militaire ;
- les matériels de guerre, armes et munitions ;
- les trésors nationaux et biens culturels ;
- les stupéfiants ;
- les psychotropes ;
- les médicaments à usage humain ;
- les organes, tissus et cellules issus du corps humain ;
- les gamètes issus du corps humain et vétérinaires ;
- les marchandises présentées sous une forme contrefaite ;
- les produits sanguins labiles ;
- les sources artificielles et naturelles de radionucléides ;
- les déchets, y compris les déchets radioactifs ;
- les objets comportant des images et ou des représentations de mineurs à caractère pornographique (art. 227-23 du code pénal) ;
- les animaux vivants et produits animaux soumis à certificat vétérinaire ;
- les végétaux et produits végétaux soumis à passeport phytosanitaire.

Not entirely clear from that, is it?[8-)]

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Go to the DEFRA website and you can see what you can and cannot bring over. Some plants are banned as they can carry such things as sudden oak decease. You are pretty much ok with most things but do take a look as you don't want them taken away just after you bought them.
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There ARE restrictions for a few plants only as I found out on a previous thread of mine...


Those plants can carry Sudden Oak Death and should not be exported to France.

You can buy them all there, so it's not worth transmitting the disease to France.

Spuds are fine....

Hope that's  a help![:D]

Edit....just checked your reply Pierre!!![:-))]

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I contacted DEFRA about this some time ago. The list of plants you cannot take to France is short :- Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Camellias & Viburnum. These are all possible carriers of Sudden Oak Death & are banned because of this.

We have brought over loads of plants without trouble but it is worth remembering that Customs have the right to check your plants for health. It's never happen to us - they tend to look at the plants through the window &make some comment about us ob viously going to our property in France & leave it at that.

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