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Every year three beautiful plants have grown in my garden.I have taken cuttings, but this year no good. I have searched all the garden shops for replacements. The originals came from a garden centre in Niort. I really have so much pleasure from these plants. I don't want to go without. Can anyone tell me if they know where i could find them to buy.

Salvia Uliginosa  a must have for me             Salvia Semiatrata                                   Salvia involucrata  'Bethellii'

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You could wait forever for a forum member to recognise Plants U Love.

Go the Google Way.

I googled using 'pepiniere Salvia Uliginosa' and got these results.


You'll get similar for your other sadly departed plants. Hopefully some will have a mail order service. Others may be close to you.

Much as I love Salvias forgive me for not rootling through them for you.[:)] I order frequently from French sites BTW.[:)]


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I went to Chateau Neuvic in the Dordogne yesterday for a plant fair.  There were a huge number of salvias there - I bought some.  It doesn't help you, but keep an eye out for similar events.  Around here there are many 'Floralies' coming up where similar exposants will have stands.

I don't know where you are mooky but I have the list of exposants with their phone numbers if you are interested in contacting them directly.

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