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update on parsnips

water rat

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Bonjour parsnips luvvers,

thought you'd like an update on the situation, can't seem to find the original thread.If you remember ,way back in feb/march some of us were trying the damp paper towel method and I managed to acheive 100% germination. Well, I carefully planted them out  ,but we had an almighty storm which washed them all away. Not to be daunted I did it all again with further success and planted at a later ,more clement period. D'you Know ,not one b,gger came up!

Have now resorted to traditional method and have a decent healthy crop

So, not sure now if I believe it is the germination that is the problem.

Any successes out there with the pre_germination method?

W Rat

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I tried the "start them off in separate pots and plant them out, even though thye books say don't do it" method last year.


I now know why the books say "don't do it".


Not a great success, but we did get some parsnips.

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End of May, planted groups of 5 seeds at set distances directly in situ, each in a small pocket of damp seed compost and buried 1cm deep.  Picked out leaving the strongest seedling if several came up.  No gaps, doing well with plenty of top growth (despite a whitefly attack).

I don't like parsnips.  It's for the OH. 

OH replies:

Yes he does, just cooked in a special way!!!

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