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Applying for French nationality post retirement


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Hi Does anyone know if an application for nationality will be accepted if a person has the majority of their income coming from outside France (UK). Tax on that retirement income has been paid in France for more than 5 years and all the other requirements for nationality have been fulfilled, but the official guidance says that most income must come from France
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I think part of the issue is, how do you show "professional integration" if you've never worked in France, plus I guess if your income is all in a different currency you would inevitably have divided loyalties - will you really be rooting wholeheartedly for France's economy like a good citizen, when in fact it what you want is a strong £.

But I don't think they approach it purely as a box-ticking exercise, they look at your application as a whole. Even if there are some areas of your application that are a bit weak, it doesn't necessarily mean that you wll be refused.
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We got French Nationality based on our main income being my UK government military pension. The only other income was from a flat we rent out. However they were interested as to where our main assests were base ie property. We retained nothing in the UK, so they seemed happy with our "patrimoine".
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