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weed killer


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Not overly effective but it will work - especially on tender weeds - you know the ones that come out easily when you pull them.

Bleach is sodium hypo chlorate.  Full blown weedkillers of the sodium chlorine combination are based on sodium perchlorate and as this does its job of killing plants through oxidising them it changes into sodium hypo chloratre before changing finally to sodium chloride (common salt).

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Thank you all, when we were told about using javel I was doubtful, we were told to use the very strong one, not the weak houshold stuff, we have seen it in brico-depot, 14 Euros,or as near as, but if it doesn't work, it's money down the drain  ( or weed ). There was some-one on the forum ages ago, asking about killing weeds long term, I think he was asking about five years, a few people gave advise on what he should buy, but I can't find it.
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If you want something that kills weeds for 5 years then you probably aren't that keen on wildlife so what do you plant/keep in your garden? Why don't you just concrete everywhere and have done with it? Think about the effect pouring bleach will have on all that pesky wildlife in the garden too...

Why not just pull them up or keep them strimmed short. You can't stop birds flying over and pooping seeds down in your garden even if you find a 'miracle' 5-year kill-all potion - it's nature, it's natural (or at least it should be, in my opinion)!


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I've used diluted bleach on weeds between stones on a path, and it's effective. I wouldn't use it on a large area though.

We use a selective one on brambles, which are my bete noire, having been badly scratched many times [6]

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Jane and Denny, before you spurt off, please take time to read posts properly, I'm not going to repeat what I said, read it again. Also, don't make judgements, what was it in my post that said garden, the weeds we want to kill are at the front of our property climbing up the gates, nowhere near gardens, wildlife, animal life, just gates, ok ?. feel free to apologise, unless you feel that gates are part of nature. 
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I use Glyphos on ground that I want to replant and Sodium Chlorate where I don't like gravel driveways. Glyphos is very much like Round Up but cheaper and works for me, kills anything green down to root level but can take a week before they appear to be on the way out. You need 6 hours with no rain after spraying with Glyphos..............................J 
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"Has anyone heard of using javal (bleach) as a weed killer."

Ok, I have re-read and now fully understood the complicated question...

I didn't spurt off, I just said something you didn't like - the other posters weren't 'spurting off' when they listed the products they use, were they?

Generally, weeds grow outside. Whether you put products around a gate or on a flower bed, it all goes into the ground and affects things in it.

I don't apologise for what I wrote but I do apologise if I offended you, it really wasn't my intention. I am not in the habit of writing abusive posts here and I do not intend to start - it is just something I feel strongly about.


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If you a - re looking for long term sterilisation of your ground then simple salt - 5kg per square metre will do the job.  Ancient remedy - the Romans used it against the Cartheginians after they defeated Hanibal and caused the population to leave Carthage for ever since they could no longer support themselves with food and untainted water.

You can buy it as 25kg sacks at many large stores - used for deicing.

God help the ecology of your garden.  I am with Jane on this I am afraid.

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Thanks again for all your help, however, I do find some people's thoughts on things very narrow minded, why do the last two posters assume that we are putting things into the 'ground' without knowng the full facts, I used the word spurting off, because that was what it was, they immediately assume the worst, suggesting that we are destroying nature, and the ecology of our garden, our garden is stunning, full of trees, bushes, beautiful hedges, bird table's, and a huge pond, we don't have any weeds in our garden to get rid of, my husband deals with them as they appear, I will say again, these weeds are on the road ouside our gates, which they are rapidly approaching, they are growing out of the bitchum, cars run over them daily, we could go to the mairie and ask for them to be sorted, but if we can deal with them ourselves, then we would like to try, so please before assuming the worst of people, take time to find out the facts, this post started out with a very simple question, on weed killer, which dozens of people in the past have also asked, if you have an affinity with weeds, then that's fine, I respect your way of life, but as I have said, please don't assume and judge.
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I wouldn't worry about using weedkiller on a driveway entrance as long as the product is suitable for purpose, used as directed and does not leach toxic products into watercourses, etc.  Driveways aren't really very good at supporting wildlife and ecology.  [:)]

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I have just finished reading a book caled Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. Very interesting, all about weed killers. Written in the 60s and it actually changed the way that governments treated the use of them.

If you really want to find out how nice weed killers are then I would suggest that you get the book, available from Amazon, and give it a read. It isn't an expensive book but it may well open your eyes as to what to use and what to avoid?

As an aside, if you start putting salt down and it does get into the water course it could be a real problem. Especially if it were the water course that feeds you pond, or anyone elses for that matter?

I don't remember who it was but some famous person once said theat weeds are only plants and flowers where they are not wanted!

And I am not having a 'pop' at anyone!!! Just trying to improve your understanding of what these things are.

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

As an aside, if you start putting salt down and it does get into the water course it could be a real problem. Especially if it were the water course that feeds you pond, or anyone elses for that matter?


If you start putting it down in the quantities needed to kill off large areas of weeds, no doubt it would have some effect if it reached the water course.  Does anybody actually put down kilos, tons of salt?  Apart from road maintenance in winter, of course. 

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[quote user="Belle"]Thanks again for all your help, however, I do find some people's thoughts on things very narrow minded, why do the last two posters assume that we are putting things into the 'ground' without knowng the full facts, I used the word spurting off, because that was what it was, they immediately assume the worst, suggesting that we are destroying nature, .[/quote]


Sorry Belle,

I did not mean to upset, but please please remember.  If you put something on your drive it stays there just so long as it doesn't rain.  When it rains it runs off - where?

Across the garden? or maybe down into the gutter or ditch where we can all forget about it.

And from the gutter/ditch, where? - well into the nearest stream, river, pond or lake.  Don't be misled into believing there is some kind of treatment plant that is going to take out all of the nasties that you (and I) have put into such grey water.  At best there will be a sand filtration bed to take out the fag ends etc..  At worst it runs straight in. 


That is why I am concerned.

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