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Planting/sowing veg this time of the year


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The best way to find out is to see what they're selling in the markets.

Around here people are still planting various types of lettuce, and winter greens.

Rustica magazine for 27th Aug to 2nd Sept. suggests:  "Planter les chicorées frisées et les scaroles, les choux de Chine, de Milan et frisés, mais également les pissenlits ([blink])" .

You can also put in various seeds including winter radishes.

I bought some brocolli plants this week with the label saying they will be ready in two to three months - hopefully. 

ps you might also be able to plant potatoes, if you can find them:http://www.gardenaction.co.uk/plant_sow_veg_bymonth/plant_sow_august.asp

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I always sow flageolet beans mid / late August.  The soil is nice and warm, but the intense heat is diminishing.  They germinate within a week or so and crop after about 6-8 wks.

Not so easy to find them in the shops though and of course they have to be to your personal taste.

I've just sown some carrots for the same reasons, so we'll see how they do.

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