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weeds taking over my life !!!!

Barbel Bob

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[:'(] I have just spent 7 days clearing two large flower borders of a weed i have since found to be called lesser celandine, it has totally invaded my garden growing also in my grass!!!! I have removed them by hand getting rid of the roots also...I have chosen not to use weed killer this time in the borders but do not want to repeat the last 7 days EVER AGAIN! so want to hear about your experiences of this weed!!!


Also will need to use a weed killer on the grass can anyone recommend one they have used??



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Now you've (hopefully) got rid of it can you put down a weed suppressant membrane? 

Also a glyphosate user here but I don't spray.  I either make up a very concentrated solution and apply it directly to the offending plant with a small brush (preferably when it's in it's most active growing phase) or for weeds like bind weed I half fill a jam jar with a fairly strong solution, make a hole in the lid and then replace the lid.  Half bury the jam jar near the plant and then feed the stems of the plant through the hole in the lid and into the solution.  Leave 'til it does its job.    

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Thanks for the link Ernie, the pictures show exactly what my flower bed looked like [:'(] thank god i have hopefully removed it now! I will use the glyphosate for the grass areas, does this come labelled glyphosate?

I even found this growing in the compost heap yesterday! its a bugger to move as you need to get all of it out, its now bagged ready for the tip all 2 tons of it!!!

Scooby thanks for the tip regarding the jam jar will try that for my bindweed!


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[quote user="Barbel Bob"]

......... I will use the glyphosate for the grass areas, does this come labelled glyphosate?


hi J

Are you talking about a grass area with weeds in it - if so then DON'T - glyphosate will kill everything, including the grass.  I'm sure others will come back with a recommendation, but thought I ought to jump in here. (Unless I've totally misunderstood) 


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I haven't got around to sorting my 2 acres of grass in France yet, but in UK for a small garden I've used Evergreen Lawn Feed, Weed and Moss killer Complete, in a shaker with some success.  I suppose it depends on what sort of area you're talking about - would think others have ideas?

Good luck[;-)]

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Weed feed and mosskill is effective but far too expensive for a large area. We use ferrous sulphate for killing moss. 5L will treat 150 sq m but you can make it go further by being selective about where you spray. Less than €4 for a bidon. I have found reasonably priced lawn feed in super U but I have yet to find a lawn weedkiller as inexpensive as Verdone.
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[quote user="Barbel Bob"]

[:'(] I have just spent 7 days clearing two large flower borders of a weed i have since found to be called lesser celandine, it has totally invaded my garden growing also in my grass!!!! I have removed them by hand getting rid of the roots also...I have chosen not to use weed killer this time in the borders but do not want to repeat the last 7 days EVER AGAIN! so want to hear about your experiences of this weed!!![/quote]

I hate to tell you this but unless you have cleared the ground of every miniscule bulblet that lesser celandine reproduce from you are going to have an on going problem with this weed. Removing the weeds by hand dislodges the bulblets and also digging over the area brings dormant bulblets closer to the surface where they then germinate.  The only solution I found was to use a good weedkiller over a 2 year period.  Ist year treat with weed killer, then cover with weed suppressant, 2nd year uncover and treat new growth with weed killer.  After that I still had the odd ones coming up that I removed with a border trowel complete with the ball of soil.

Don't put any of the weed on the compost heap you will just spread the problem when you use the compost.


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In the UK I used to use feed weed and moss killer and it was pretty good. But it used to say I think not to do it if you think it was going to rain or something. Cannot remember now but I can remember that it said don't walk on it if it had got wet. I can remember our neighbour at the time used it on hir after I said how good it was. He went out and put a picnic blanket down which got damp underneath and walked all over the lawn when wet. Within a day he had lots of black patches where he had walked and blanket etc, not a happy bunny..
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[quote user="Limousin Lass"]

I hate to tell you this but unless you have cleared the ground of every miniscule bulblet that lesser celandine reproduce from you are going to have an on going problem with this weed. Removing the weeds by hand dislodges the bulblets and also digging over the area brings dormant bulblets closer to the surface where they then germinate.  The only solution I found was to use a good weedkiller over a 2 year period.  Ist year treat with weed killer, then cover with weed suppressant, 2nd year uncover and treat new growth with weed killer.  After that I still had the odd ones coming up that I removed with a border trowel complete with the ball of soil.


I was afraid of this, been walking past the flowerbeds every day en route to dog walk, to scared to look! [:'(] are they year round weeds then, i misunderstood a google article and thought they only appeared in spring, so thought i would be a year without them????

I will use the weed suppressant but will i be able to keep my existing plants in? it is such a large border not going to be easy! I have not put any weeds onto my compost heap for over a year and the little ***** still got in there to cause havoc!

Not going to tackle to lawn this year,  tried a small area last spring, spent hours raking then weeding and used weed and feed, it looks just the same this year!  just going to  keep it short and from a distance it actually looks very nice!!!!!!!! but i will bare in mind the advice given when i finally have the enthusiasm to tackle it!




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Oh! dear, I feel for you, I have the same problem and it just grows worse each year.  Unfortunately celandine has little bulblets and all it takes is leaving one behind in the ground for it to all start off again. Bob Flowerdew says that the only thing to do with it, is to move house!!!! I have started putting weed supressant material over my beds. I am going to try out the advice someone else gave you about putting woodash on some of the stray ones.  On the bright side, they are really pretty on a grey day!! Good luck


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hi J

Good luck with this, but just to say glyphosate can take 4 weeks before anything appears to be happenning and sometimes then another doseage required, but it probably is the best option for the borders because it will get into all parts of the plant, hopefully the bulblets too.  My guess is these things can just lie around dormant for years.




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