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Cherry tree droop.

Edward Trunk

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Hi Chris,

The ;eaves are drooping as if from lack of water although they get plenty. There are cherries on the branches but it is not their weight that is causing the leaves to look so sad. The tips of the branches show signs of curl on the new growth.

I don't know the age of the tree. Maybe it is just worn out but I would like to try to save it if at all possible. We inherited it with the garden when we recently moved in to this house so it wesn't sprayed, pruned or anything last year.

Any advice will be most welcome.

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Do the leaves look like they have sooty deposits?  If so this is a fungal attack.  Also, I once had a cherry tree that had an enormous aphid infestation and that didn't do it a lot of good.   Is it possible for you to take a photo or two?


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