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I'm not sure if I should have put this in the Food Section.

Some years ago I suggested that if Hugh Fearnley-Eatitall could persuade us that slugs were a delicacy it would transform our attitude towards them. My suggestion was not very well received.

Now I see that he is going to do just that tonight on Channel 4. I wonder if he reads this forum ?

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[quote user="puzzled"]

I have only ever tried one solitary snail and all I could taste was the delicious garlic butter with a bit of chew in the middle -I didn't like the idea of ( me ) eating snails and they didn't make any impression on me at all - couldn't taste the snail.



Same here, the only time I've tried them they were in a mushroom sauce - so you couldn't tell what was mushroom and what was snail - kind of pointless really[8-)]

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