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Can I plant anything now?


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Dear all... I've cleared a weedy patch in the garden (one of many that will need attention!) and I'm wondering if there is anything I can plant now that will survive the rest of the summer and give me a bit of late summer/autumn interest?  The area is in full sun and the soil is clay [:(]... the only good thing is that it's easy to work with at the moment after the rain...

Any ideas very welcome! [8-)]

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Hi there,

in our Saterday market there is still plenty of potted and peat-block raised bedding plants available. They will carry on until the frost.

Herbacious plants could also be worth a go, especially as my Gamme Vert were offering 70% off with quality still high; we planted a few Peaonies at less than 3 for the price of one!

I haven't seen many about, but in the UK I would consider Hebes like Great Orme which flower their hearts out all summer and autumn.

When we go to the UK in a couple of weeks time we plan to bring back a lorry load of plants (literally!) for our garden and those of a couple of clients. I shall be concentrating on summer and autumn flowering plants, having bought loads of winter/spring flowering varieties on my last trip.
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I love to give plants - and also 'beg' for them! If you have good neighbours, why not ask them if they have bits and pieces?

For veg with good colour, why not sow some Swiss chard with multicouloured stems. I used to grow lots of sedum on clay in the UK - and great for autumn colour and for the bees. I have brought some over to the Jura and they are doing well here too in limey soil.

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you little darlings... thanks for the suggestions!  will go off in search of plants over the weekend!  Any other ideas of course more than welcome... our garden is south facing and really doesn't get any shade all day... so knowing what others are growing is a great help for a novice like me! [:D]

Bugbear... the veg plot is going to be started in the autumn... when hopefully the house is finished... but I have a feeling that will be Greyman's territory! [blink]


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