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Re: Quick growing tall shrub


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They grow tall quickly and depending on the variety you choose the stems are attractive  plus they sway very nicely in the breeze....if you cut out the old stems or those that pop up where you don't want them, you need never buy a bamboo cane again ![:D]

They are a great plant for a screen, not too dense....look for a variety described as 'clumping'

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As someone else said buy a clump forming bamboo and in france don't always believe what it says on the ticket as you could be in for a nasty surprise. Look some up on the internet and see what they tell you. I have about 15 different bamboos here and probably the best clumper would be phyllostachys 'Aurea' nice green stems light green leaves and will go to about 15ft and will move out very slowly.

Bamboo are in general very shallow rooted and if you do plant a runner so that it fills the maximum amount of space put some very rigid plastic around the patch you want to fill down to about 18" max. Pop the bamboo in the middle and just look out for runners trying to go over the top of the plastic or whatever you use. This way you could fill your gap quicker with a runner such as Psuedo sasa japonica 'The arrow bamboo' It will fill a space very quickly, very straight dense canes with large green leaves. Very drought tolerant also.

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Buddhleia has to be cut back each year in order to maintain good growth, shape and flower production so I wouldnt say it was ideal.  How about a small tree like a mimosa or albizzia, then there is of course Lilas des Indes or why not a oleander, which will give you flowers most of the year and remain evergreen. Let us know what you decide on.

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Find a friend who has a mallow shrub and beg a cutting, pop it in the ground and next year you will have a lovely flowering shrub about 4ft in height covered in pink flowers from early summer until the first frosts,[:D]

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Yes I will agree with the Mallow.  Also I pulled a branch off a fig tree last two springs ago, I made a cutting from it of about 6 inches long and stuck it in the ground, it is now about 7' high and has lovely figs!!!



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