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Just a quick one.

We have a Broom bush that is in full flower at the minute (looks lovely) but it has outgrown its "space" in our medium sized garden, I will need to cut it back.

My question is, can I do it after flowering or do I need to wait until the end of the year ?

Thanks for any tips.

Best wishes Mel.
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Prune after the flowers have finished.

I found this advice on more than one website:

Pruning a Broom plant a is straight after flowering which is normally
MAy- June time. Cut all the flowering shoots back by half this will
encourage young shoots to form during the summer months which will
create flowers for the following season and will keep the broom plant
compact and bushy. With older broom plants One of the problems is that
they do not like being cut hard back into the old wood as they will not
re shoot very strongly from old stems and branches it is sometimes
better to replace the old plants with new ones.

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