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Bottle Brush Plant


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Has anyone else got one of these and, if so, what is your plant looking like?

I've only had mine since my birthday in May and I put it in a bigger pot straightaway and placed it in a sunny spot.  Now it's looking very sad and its leaves are getting very brown.

It's had plenty of water as I've read that it does like moist conditions.

Any information or advice, please?

I'm going to give it a bit of a prune tomorrow as I have read that I should have cut it back once the flowers died. 

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We have a few, but which part of a prune are you going to give the bottlebrush?

I would eat the prune and err - well work it out...

I will ask the gardener what to do with bottle brushes and get back to you.
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I grow Callistemon - Bottlebrush - in the soil of our gravel patio; it likes good drainage and I wonder if you have been overwatering it. That would explain the brown leaf etc.

The variety most available in the southern half of France is C. laevis, not considered hardy in the UK and better as a house / patio plant. Mine was bought in the south and suffered the first winter, but has since flowered and is looking good.


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I was hoping you'd see my post, Colin, and thank you for the tips.

I think that I might have overdone the watering as we've had exceptionally dry conditions.

This morning, I have moved it to a sunnier spot and I shall go easier on the watering.

Dog, I thought even as I used the word "prune" that someone like you might be along to take the mick [:)]

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With bottle brushes they need to be kept constant with water , not left to dry and then soaked ... so a constant drip system is a good idea until the roots have well established into the soil, but dont allow to over wet , just keep some where on the dry side of damp.... if that makes sense ?
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