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What to plant??


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Ok all you keen gardners here's one for you...

We have a house in 47 that has a dry stream running through it .....currently has pebbles in the bottom that you can walk on, water about 1 foot below(ish)........with it so far....but on the sides I have put green membrane on it to kill off weeds - it approx 3 feet deep on each side and runs for approx 100 feet in lengh

So on to the question - what shall I/can I plant into the membrane?

It's clay soil, temperature wise - hot in summer and (very) cold this winter - I would love to create some colour and cover the green membrane too with plants that are perennial - but whatever will grow and suit the climate really

I like to get stuck into the garden but am by no means an expert - all advice greatfully received


Lou, Lot et Garonne

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Hi Lou,

Sounds a bit tricky if it drys out completely in the summer but has water in it in the winter. But if there is always some water / moisture there are many "marginal" plants you could try - like water Iris, to name just one.

If you are going to use green geotextile (I hate the stuff personally) you might be best planting large groups of ground covering shrubs towards the top, where they will not get their feet too wet in the winter. You could try cheap and chereful plants like Senecio Sunshine, planted in groups of from three to a dozen.

Herbacious perrenials will not spread well through the membrane, otherwise I could suggest dozens of varieties which would grow fast, cover the ground and provide lots of colour. We have an Aster here which is going crazy and covered with flowers -  a magnet for bees.

You are bound to get a few losses as you experiment with species but by planting in large numbers the gaps will soon fill in. Add plenty of organic matter to that clay, by the way.

Colin the Gardener

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Hi Colin - many thanks for your post

The only reason I put the membrane down was to kill off the weeds - If I took it up then would I be able to plant the herbacious perennials which would then spread out and cover the ground? If so that would be great especially if there is a splash of colour which is what I'm after - your recommendations or a list (or two) would be great!

Thanks again for the reply


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