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Carte de Séjour: have a laugh on me...


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Right so the knew CDS is the same size as a credit card then ? Why did you not say that in the first place Norman ?

The old one was the same size as a French identity card. It did not fit in your wallet. Or pocket.

That is where the confusion lies.

Also, I think that if you were (in the old days) in rented accomodation there is no address on the back of the CDS. maybe that has changed now.

Anyway, I have no intention of renewing it as it will be invalidated when the UK leaves the EU. If the UK does not leave the EU (which is more probable) then I still don't need one.
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[quote user="Un autre Gallois"]If very small print is that difficult to read the presumption is that which is printed is not really there? Maybe another "odd" comment - when in a hole it's usually best to stop digging, Just take it on the chin and move on.

Gallois, do not mock those who see less capaably than others, I assure you my vision difficulties are not something I joke about.  It was an honest mistake the first time I looked, I really had not see it was there. 

No wonder the forum is declining in usage if such comments as mine (and its apology) are are seen as odd, whilst yours an one or two others on here, who I will not name, but we all know who they are, are regarded as the norm.

On their own heads be it if the forum dies IMHO.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Thanks for confirming that Judith. As you say the writing is very small as it needs to be to fit on a credit-card sized CdS, made to fit in to the pockets in a wallet.....


Thanks you NormanH, sense for you, as ever.  Sadly, small though the card is, it still doesn't fit into my wallet/ purse in the pocket designed for cards!  C'est la vie.

The print size, for me, is less relevant than the spacing around the words, an unusual vision impairment, but one I am now accustomed to accepting that others do no understand. 

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Judith, I was certainly not mocking you. I have first hand experience of such unpleasantness. What I was trying to draw attention to was that despite more than one poster saying there was an address contained on the reverse of our modern CDS (together with guidance as to where it is) you were stubbornly refusing to take a second look. When I said that you seem to have the attitude that "what I can't see is therefore not there" is not mocking you, but it is a criticism. You told me not to make such a song and dance instead of you thinking there may be something in this and taking another, closer look which on your own admission you have now done and you can now see your address. Please do not make unwarranted accusations to detract from your own tardiness in having a second, closer look at your CDS. I reoeat that I was not mocking you and I hope on reflection you will have the good grace to accept that.

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It is the size of a credit card and it does fit in the credit card slot in your wallet.

I can read both sides of my fathers one with no problem.

Forgetting Brexit considering your supposed to carry ID in France it's easier to carry around than a passport (if you don't have a driving licence), cheaper and less difficult to replace than a passport. It works for cheques if you want to use them in say a supermarket as form of ID.

I don't mean this disrespectfully but if you have a problem reading them you might consider getting your eye tested.
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CT wrote: "I don't mean this disrespectfully but if you have a problem reading them you might consider getting your eye tested"

Equally no disrespect intended, but how do you think people know what's wrong with their eyes in the first place if they haven't already had them tested? And they're generally done in pairs, unless you know something about Judith's glass eye that you're not prepared to disclose! ?

There are a large number of eye conditions, and one day when you grow older they might affect you, which aren't simply or easily corrected by "getting your eyes tested" or wearing glasses.

Getting older isn't an automatic recipe for senility, a decline in mental faculties etc., but in some people it does cause a degree of visual impairment which can be rapid or slow. Even, in some people, it can cause a miraculous improvement in vision over certain distances!

Just cos your dad appears to need a lot of help and assistance to get things sorted in his daily life, it's a quantum leap of assumption to imagine that everyone on here of a similar age is dribbling in a bath chair ??? - just saying!
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My eyes are ****d. I have holes in them to prove it.

Yes, yes, yes.

I carry a driving license around if someone needs to know who I am. But nobody cares who I am.

So back to the question, what is the point of a credit sized CDS ???

If the owners can't read them how to people in a shop or wherever expected to read them ?

The original CDS you could read. Not handy to carry around mind you but you could read them.

Anyway, CDS, CDS, CDS...No point. Invalid next year.

Brits living in France will just be microchipped like cats and dogs. LOL.

Just make sure you have your rabies jab done.
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So I have a sticky keyboard and missed off an "s" but there is no need to get nasty but then that seems all your capable of doing these days.

I never said anyone was suffering from "senility, a decline in mental faculties etc".

I think your Chinese explains you exceedingly well by the way. I assume your working on the basis that the forum moderators are so stupid they won't understand what it means. You left the word "头部" out by the way.
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[quote user="Cathar Tours"]So I have a sticky keyboard and missed off an "s" but there is no need to get nasty but then that seems all your capable of doing these days.

I never said anyone was suffering from "senility, a decline in mental faculties etc".

I think your Chinese explains you exceedingly well by the way. I assume your working on the basis that the forum moderators are so stupid they won't understand what it means. You left the word "头部" out by the way.[/quote]

According to my Google Translate, it means "Used to be a dick, always a dick"

Maybe the first phrase was meant to be "Used to have a dick"
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The older format for a CdS was only a little larger than the present one and easily fitted in a wallet though not in the little plastic pockets.
I always carried it in the part where you could put bank notes.

If ABLF  had ever had one he/she might have noticed the box on the back where it says:
Tout changement de résidence doit être déclaré dans les 8 jours de l"arrivée au nouveau domicile

 the point of my original post was the impossibility of doing that.
But to have noticed that one would need  to really have had a CdS, and also b able to understand what the French means.

Why I am 'going on' about this is that ABLF seems to exist simply to irritate without ever being capable of informing; and to nargue without any concrete knowledge. When called upon to give supporting evidence none is forthcoming, and I cannot call to mind any single useful piece of real factual information in any posts from that person.

Yes ABLF is irritating in the manner of a bluebottle that  has trodden in sh1t and is spreading filth but has no sting.
I have persisted in this thread because the CdS in a sensitive topic and may be a source of worry so I consider that it is important that what is written here should be accurate, but in future I will ignore any posts from ALBF and I urge others to so the same and let him play with himself in lonely impotence.

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I think your Chinese explains you exceedingly well by the way. I assume your working on the basis that the forum moderators are so stupid they won't understand what it means. You left the word "头部" out by the way.

A bit like your sticky keyboard, then! It seems to have a massive problem with apostrophes all the time.

And, FYI I don't think anyone is incapable of working out what my signature says. I tend to assume that if I'm capable of using google translate then so is everybody else. Which is kind of the point.
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What a boring life your husband must have what with you being perfect and right all the time.

Your right not all old people are senile but like you imply some are.

Even young people, in case you never noticed, wear glasses and I include myself which is probably why I didn't have a problem reading the back (and front) of a CDS.
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I've had 3 TdS since our arrival in 2006 (we have been locataires at same address ever since).

2006-2011 very slightly larger (ca. 1 cm, but fitting comfortably in my 'fold over' wallet that I carry in my trouser pocket) than current credit card size, gave address and stated requirement to notify any change of address.

2011-2016 as above.

2016-2026 exact CC size, gives address but the statement about notification of change of address (that still applies) no longer appears on the card itself.
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O'er, my genuine mistake, for which I apologised, I seems to have set the cat among the pigeons here. 

Betty, thank you, yes, eye conditions come in various shapes and sizes, and Gallois, since I've worn glasses since I was 3 (yes, three) years old, don't you think I know when I need an eye test (which happens once a year as it happens).  Size of print, light source, background, there are many things that don't help legibility, and it must be said the the CdS falls in to several of those traps, BUT, that all that info is likely to be stored on the chip, so available to those who need to see it.  As an official document, I am rather more used than I'd like to see them almost always verge on the illegible.  How many of you have complained about the use of small print in contracts, for example, no matter what the state of your eyes.

Do I really need to finish this - little things, you know ....

Time to bed it down ....  says Zebedee.

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What a boring life your husband must have what with you being perfect and right all the time.

Dearie me, CT, if you're going to try and fight what you perceive as me being "nasty" with you being nasty, you're going to have to up your game ????
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Judith, I agree it's time to bed it down - after I have pointed out to you that I have never mentioned any thing that can remotely be construed as you needing an eye test or that you don't know when you need such a test. I have seen a post from another member that may be relevant to your comment, but it is not from me (who has worn specs. for well over 70 years!)

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[quote user="Un autre Gallois"]Judith, I agree it's time to bed it down - after I have pointed out to you that I have never mentioned any thing that can remotely be construed as you needing an eye test or that you don't know when you need such a test. I have seen a post from another member that may be relevant to your comment, but it is not from me (who has worn specs. for well over 70 years!)


Sorry, Gallois, easy to mix up your posts amongst the chaff being said on here ... someone certainly did ... I see we join the clan of needing glasses, even after my cataracts were removed, wonderful, and my brilliant surgeon removed much of my myopia,, I still continue to need them for proper sight, and not just the reading stuff, though I have those too, all prescription, standard readers don't wash it with me ...

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