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Types of bills for Carte de Sejour


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I have started the collection of evidence and would like to know of what type of bills are evidence either of residence and/or continuity of residence/right of residence. Are statements from Assurance Vie contracts, statements from the CPAM , repayment statements from our mutuelle,acceptable? any other suggestions,please. I ask because the EDF and Water bills only come once a year and are in my name as is the Orange one. Also, what exactly proves the right of residence other than we are in France and do the bank statements not prove right of residence as well as continuity of residence. We are in the Charente and are pensioners. All and any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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People have been using EDF bills, water bills and phone bills. You need one for every six month period, so if you had one water bill and one electricity bill that should be okay. They can get an idea as to whether you have actually been living in France by your electricity usage and phone calls.
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Avis d'impots, 5 years if poss, or what you have, rather than any other eg TdH etc, and also mostly don't want bank statements.  If in receipt of a pension, take statements to show what they are - as our lady said, we need to know where your income comes from.

You can mix and match your utility bills to show, including landline, and yes, most bills can have both names put on them, and it's probably wise to do that anyway.  The only one we couldn't was the landline (orange) who would only accept one name, so that one is in my name, to be sure!

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"do the bank statements not prove right of residence as well as continuity of residence."

Don't make it more complicated than it is.

What you have to provide, is evidence of continuity of residence.

Once you have proved this then you have also proved your right to reside, because what gives you the right to reside is having been continually resident.

So basically, for pensioners they need tax statements, utility bills, proof of health coverage ie an attestation from CPAM, and proof of income ie pension statements. Plus passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate and however many photos your prefecture asks for. That should be enough, but check with your own prefecture because sometimes they have their own little quirks. Mine insisted I had to get an attestation de domicile from the Mairie so I did, I have no idea what that added to the mix because the mairie issued it purely on the basis of checking my avis d'impôts, but it kept the prefecture happy.

I wasn't asked for bank statements either so as Judith said they probably won't want those.
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Thanks everyone for such useful and quick replies. Why I asked about the CPAM and mutuelle repayments was because of my husband's name being on none of the utilities I will get him on the EDF one but we are still short for him as the water one is annually and we would need his bank account for evidence for the other six months. Do they accept UK stuff with our French address, does anyone know?

Sitting here surrounded by paper I can understand why people just do nothing. Still, bon courageand keep calm and carry on. Thanks again.
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If you live near the prefecture, I would go in and explain the position and ask them what they will accept. Or maybe there is an email address for queries. Since all prefectures seem to have slightly different requirements, that would seem to be simplest and most reliable way to find out what they want.
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Good idea, Euro Trash. We live some distance away and they are only accepting dossiers by post and then issuing appointments for some time in October, but I think I will go , after I have got my stuff more or less complete and will know exactly what questions to ask. Thanks, EuroTrash.
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Hello Mrs Black,

The list below is of items that the Prefecture at Laval stated they wanted to see at our interview. We are early retired and have never worked in France and as you will see we took everything from when we first arrived permanently ie 2007 in the hope of getting a TdS valid for 10 years which I'm pleased to say we did. I did not have my name on any utility bills but got myself an EDF Attestation Titulaire de Contract via their website. I was scratching my head as to what else I could supply that was in my name and so copied all the top up insurance attestations and the french saving accounts in my name. Some would say don't supply more than necessary but my view is take everything and go once especially if like us you live a fair distance. We were actually complimented on our dossiers! Hope this is of some help even if it does go on a bit! Oh and I hope you have plenty of ink in your printer if I remember correctly I printed off around 700 pages in total for the two of us! Mrs KG


Photoopy of our passports although they took another copy

Birth & Marriage Certs for both plus a copy of our parents marriage certificates but no translated copies necessary.

3 photos taken in a french ministry logo authorised booth.

Originals and Copies x 2 a set for each of us of the following:

1. Document Communs - Indication relative au domicile

Proof of acquisition of our house - which is in both of our names

2. Documents Specifiques Au Titre Sollicite

2.4 Non actif - Justificatif d’assurance maladie…………

Proof of Health ie all Attestations for CPAM and Attestations for our top up insurance.

2.4 Non actif - Justificatif de ressources

Company Pension Retirement Commencement Letters (which we translated using google) plus the annual increase letters (we didn't translate).

P60s 2007 to 2018

French Savings Accounts Statements

French Bank Statements one per each six months from 2007 to 2018 plus statements for the last 90 days

English Bank Statements to prove our pension income one per each six months from 2007 to 2018 plus statements for the last 90 days

2.8 Sejour permanent - Premiere Demand

Justificative de la continuite de residence pendant 5 ans

Justificative du droit de sejour durant les 5 annees precedentes

Avis d’impot sur le Revenue et Prevelevements Sociaux 2007 to 2018

Taxes Foncieres 2007 to 2018

Taxe d’Habitation 2007 to 2018

EDF Bills 2007 to 2018 one per each six months

Orange Bills 2007 to 2018 one per each six months

HMRC Leaving the UK Form FD5
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Thanks Mrs KG and Woolybanana. Yes I will try email first and I don't think it is possible to have too many supporting documents. On Brexit day we will be one month short of 5 ,but we are aiming for supplying enough documents to help our case as by the time we get our appointment in Angouleme we will have the5 years. Actually given that we had a house here for 22 years before the permanent move we have spent a lot of time here. But not as residents! I actually think that the CPAM repayments and the Mutuelle top-up insurance repayments give a very clear indication of continuity of residence. Thanks again and also the earlier posters as it all helps.
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As you are in the Charente the requirements of other departments are worthless. The Charente lists are here;


The Charente has recently updated its CdS collection policy, I believe once you are notified that your card is ready you can pick it up without an appointment on Wednesdays.

Bank statements are useful as they act like diaries, they show details of your everyday life, useful proof of where you were at the time.

A friend of mine recently received a 10 year card from Angoulême, he applied after just over four and a half years of permanent residency.
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I wonder if the French are now going out of their way to make things difficult. For my Father we took Nomoss's advice because they live in the same department. Six weeks for an appointment made via email, took just the documents they requested when they gave the appointment which lasted a whole 20 minutes and got a message three weeks later by SMS to go pick the card up. Now my father tells me they are talking 6 months in the Aude with people getting appointments in July.

However if what the French government websites say is true and the way things are going it will all be rather pointless because I suspect, being logical, that all appointments after March 29th (52 days and counting down) will be cancelled because your need a different ID card anyway even if, like my father, you have recently received your CdS.
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Thanks Brit in Bretagne and Cathar. Yes, Angouleme do seem to be organised and well disposed to granting cartes. We understand that there is a long delay in the appointments because so many of us are now applying. If all appointments are cancelled after March 29, well, at least , we tried and whatever comes later, I suspect documents will be needed. Yes, Brit in Bretagne, my bank statements do give a very comprehensive picture of our continuous life, whereas Mr. B would appear never to spend any money! Thanks again.
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Thanks Brit in Bretagne - will check that as I had thought that you sent in the dossier, they checked it and then called you in for an appointment - to check the originals, I suppose, but will check. Actually , if everything is in order I don't suppose they need to see you. Thanks again. I looked at the statements from the CPAM and they give quite a good picture of continuity as we are at the Doctor's every three months when we have to get our prescriptions renewed .Of course, their payments also show up on the bank statements.
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In Aude you took your documents with you, they checked them, made you fill in a form then took your fingerprints. I guess how they deal with the forms is down to the departments but one thing is absolute, they need to take your fingerprints so you will have to attend at some stage before you get your card.
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Friends in the next village, also Herault, tho' not self-evident where we are, as the nearest one in the other direction is Aude, have been here 4 years plus, holiday home before that, and had expected a 1 yr, which would take them up to the 5 years next time .. no they got a 10yr permanent too.

So be encouraged.

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Thanks Britin Bretagne, CatharTours, Laurier and Judith. Every little bit and large chunk of information helps. yesterday sorted the bank statements and got the utility bills together. Stress when I discovered that two years of bank statements were missing but remembered that we went paperless for a bit and then went back to paper as we actually read the statements when they came and rarely checked then online.

Sorry for delay in replying as was out shopping this morning and called in for coffee. When I said what I was doing I was amazed at how many fellow Brits said they needed to start the process. So utility bills this evening.

Judith, yes, that's what I've heard -if you are obviously settled here even if not for five years, the five year and permanent ones are being granted. Thanks again, everyone.

A word to anyone out there who hasn't started the process, once you get into it, it is fairly straight forward Bon courage, everyone!
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