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Carte de séjour


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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Enjoy it.

It will be out of date in 3 months time. LOL[/quote]

Stupid boy- Stop making stuff up to wind people up.

Will residence permits obtained before March 2019 still be valid after the March deadline?

In the event of a withdrawal agreement entering into force:-

EU titles obtained before March 2019 (possession of which is not obligatory) will continue to be valid during the transitional period until 31 December 2020. However, they will have to be replaced by the new title provided for in the agreement. Applications for titles may be submitted according to a timetable which will be specified later and in any case at least until July 2021

In case of absence of withdrawal agreement:-

Residence permits obtained before March 30, 2019 must be exchanged according to a schedule that will be specified later.


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  • 2 months later...

Thought I would add my positive experience with regards to getting my/our Carte Sejours as I know many people are concerned about the process/waiting times. Obviously, every prefecture is different, however there seems to be golden thread of continuity running through most according to our friends across the country.

Our ‘interviews’ for the carte were very informal and friendly. My advice would be to prepare your dossier carefully, putting everything on order that the prefecture asks for on the website (keeping possible extra supporting documents in another file you have on hand ‘just in case’.

Don’t panic if there are documents you don’t have… just explain why. For example, I cannot provide my avis d’impots just yet as I have not concluded a year’s business in France (I am self-employed and started my micro-enterprise in October). I could however provide a letter from my accountant in the UK (translated) stating my regular income, showing my UK tax records and supported that with the documents relating to my new business in France (SIREN/SIRET etc.). They were happy with that and looked briefly at my French and English bank accounts (that I bought just in case) but did not take copies.

When it came to my wife’s interview, the officer simply asked if the dossier was as complete as mine. When I replied that it was, she said, “the there is nothing to ask”. Within 5 minutes we received our recepisse de demande. Two months later we received a text to say that our permanent card is available.

This week we also received our Carte Vitale which is another tick-box.

As you may know, drivers licence exchange (to a French permis) may be stalled by the office in Nantes (ours have not been returned yet so we are hopeful that ours got through before the decision to reject the dossiers till Brexit is clarified). The process for application is very straightforward however I do suggest you pop to a post office in the UK to get your international license too in the interim.

My basic message is: prepare well, don’t panic and things can sometimes go very smoothly.

Bon chance!
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We have been told that there is no problem with the current UK issued licence for driving cars. It's when you get to commercial licences like HGV etc. that you will require an international licence but that is only for visiting the EU. If your a Brit with a UK issued HGV licence your best to get it converted to the country you live in version preferably before Brexit to save any issues on the basis nobody knows what's going to happen.
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On the contrary, Mark, this thread has evolved and is now concerned with methods of obtaining bits of French paper, one of which might be an international driving licence. How we do that, where we go, who issues it, how long does it take is a mystery, if it is ever needed.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]We are told that UK drivng licences will not be valid in Europe after Brexit, not that I accept that by the way, but does this mean that French and other EU ones will will be invalid in UK?[/quote]

I suggest that you read the French Interior Ministry’s information that explains quite clearly that U.K. driving licences for both tourists and residents will NOT become invalid in France immediately after Brexit. I presume you are relying on the gov.uk information for your source.
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