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Thus far, touch wood, no real rain beyond a short spell on Friday evening. Yet Meteo France has shown rain on and off for a couple of days.

Please can I just have enough to give the ground a good wetting and maybe fill the waterbutts?

How is anyone else faring?
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We had a good douse of rain this morning, a fantastic electric storm first.

We haven't watered the garden plants this evening but when the sun finally arrived it turned quite warm.

Yesterday I was in the pool. The temperature generally seems to change from day to day.

I don't think the forecast is very good for this week sadly.
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Same here, Judith.  Not only that, spring (such as it was) was VERY late arriving.  We had rain from before Christmas to the end of March and I mean rain practically everyday except for the odd couple of days here and there.

The doctors' surgeries, kiné cabinets, hospitals (yes, all my favourite haunts[+o(]) were chock full of people sneezing, coughing, blowing their noses, clearing their throats, etc.......ugh, ugh!

For that matter I was too!  Yuck, I imagined germs flying everywhere and I got a bit paranoid about it.

Was at a party and everyone was talking about the rain and claiming that the weather in the Dordogne has changed drastically with damp winters and grey skies rather than cold ones with frost in the mornings and clear, blue skies later in the day.

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So true, Mint. Definitely changed in the 10 years we've been here.  My geography lessons at school said that the Mediterranean climate was cool, dry winters, with some rain, summer was hot and dry.  Not so far for the last two years.  And I have not even thought about getting into the pool yet, even last week when it was relatively good!

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Agreed abouut climate change in France. When I first went to France, there were always periods of long hot summers, no longer so.

Here in the Nord PdeC, the problem has been shortage of water for long perio ds and earlier summers and autumns.

By the way, good ran lat night, waterbutts filling again nicely but bloody grass growing fast too.
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It's so depressing isn't it. After months of cloud and rain we managed about a week of spring like weather - or was that summer? -.

I wonder if suicide statistics have been higher than normal.
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