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Moths and a ,lot of them

Cathar Tours

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My father sent me a couple of photo's of moths that he has had hanging around for several weeks now. I had a look on the web and there are a couple of news articles although mainly concerning the town of Oyonnax which is some distance from where he lives (around 600km).

There are hundreds of thousands of these things he says making it impossible to eat outside after dusk as they swam around any form of light. If he leaves the outside lights on his patio doors become covered in the things to the point that it is difficult to see through them. On top of that there are hundreds of moth corpses to sweep up every morning from the terrace.

They are I believe called Boxwood Moths and as the name suggests like boxwood or anything from that family but sadly they also like brassicas (cabbage, cauliflower etc.). It's not so much the moths but their caterpillars so whilst at the moment they are just an inconvenience when the lava hatch big problems are on the horizon. Some reading suggests that they are impervious to normal pesticides so I wondered if anyone has a way of dealing with them, in what areas of France they are now and have they the same problem.

I was also wondering if there could be a shortage of brassicas in French shops either now or in the future and that there may be significant price rises. Now he is on his own I encourage him to eat his "five a day" but am wondering if that's about to become more difficult.
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I know exactly what you need, it’s an Insecticide Biologique which uses the Bacillus Thuringiensis bacteria. It needs to be diluted and sprayed onto the box trees. The caterpillars eat it and the bacteria eats them. It is harmless to anything except caterpillars.


I order it in 200g from these people, it’s very expensive to buy locally.

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WB - yes I was and I found it very informative for several reasons.

To the opening poster I would add to BinBs answer that the reference given by Cajal in the very first post gave a very good description of the problem.

NB The arrogance and condescension on this forum is only too clearly shown again in Queenies script and post
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WB - yes I was and I found it very informative for several reasons.

To the opening poster I would add to BinBs answer that the reference given by Cajal in the very first post gave a very good description of the problem.

NB The arrogance and condescension on this forum is only too clearly shown again in Queenies script and post
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[quote user="BritinBretagne"]Bacillus Thuringiensis is the same in both French and English and it’s what you need.[/quote]

Thanks for that helpful information. If only others could be as helpful instead of stalking me round the forum and making snide comments.

Seems they arrived in North East France some six or seven years ago and are called "pyrale du buis" there in case you didn't know and want to go to a shop to buy the treatement. Nasty little critters and now I know what they are called in French there is plenty of info including maps although needless to say they have spread across most of France. There are 51 departments that are plagued by the things and many others where they have been spotted in smaller numbers.

Everywhere I look it tells me your spot on with the treatment and there are several websites both in English and French that explain how this product works. It can also be used against processionary caterpillars although I can't see people climbing up their fir trees to spray the stuff!

I read on one of the websites that the French Government does now consider them a threat to agriculture and particularly cabbages and most other "green" veg (brassicas). I wonder if they will consider mass spraying like they do for mosquitoes in some parts. Reading up on the stuff it seems it is safe for humans and mammals in general.

If you do not speak or read perfect French like the majority of forum members it seems then try using Google Chrome for the French websites which translate on the fly. The better the original French grammar the better the translation.

Thanks once again, I will forward this info to my dad.
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Back to topic - the infestation is a huge problem both in France and in the UK.

In France the buis is a much loved small bush which has been used for edging and shaping in most of the classical gardens. In England also it's used to make a neat shrub edge for small and large garden plots.
When we were staying in the SE I saw the start of the invasion here. It's a big worry to our ecology on the same scale as dutch elm disease and the disease of ash trees. And in France, the chestnut trees.

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They seem also to take a liking to Fig trees. My dad walks his dog early morning and passes several. Like Ticks they seem to detect body heat and come out of the Fig trees and swarm him.

His biggest gripe is that what with the still very sunny and hot weather eating evening dinner on the terrace is a no go. I did wonder if one of those zapper light things you see mainly for mosquitoes might work. Bit of ambient light when eating whilst zapping the moths at the same time?
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I know what you mean but it sort of takes the edge of outside dining. Kind of makes you feel like your eating in a cage if you know what I mean. I will suggest it anyway and see what he thinks.

I had a look at those lamp killer things on Amazon (UK) and none of them seem to have very good reviews.

Your idea of a decoy lamp, say an old table lamp in the garden might be worth a try (has anyone tried this?).

Thanks anyway.
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Here the moths obviously lay eggs on hazelnut leaves which is strange as the caterpillars don’t appear to eat the leaves. They do however suspend from them on threads and become attached to passing people, cars, animals, bikes etc. It’s a pretty efficient way of being transported around. If I could post photos I’d show you the difference between our treated buis hedges and the devastated hedges in the surrounding area. The BT product is amazing.
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I haven't seen any picture of those flying moths, could you oblige as it would help to identify the guilty party?

As we live near a river, we had a great show of "ephemeres (ephemeral)" this summer. They spend 3 years of their life in water and emerge one evening to die a few hours later. We could have scooped them by the shovel full.


We also add hundreds of those "Pyrales du Buis" last year. They basically decimated all the Box trees in our area. Not much you can do about those ......


Which one are you talking about?
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