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Advice on clearing an inherited property in the Cote D'Azur

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Hi there, my French aunt recently passed away and we have inherited her property. We will have to sell it sadly, so need to clear the house. Does anyone have experience of how to do it? She was a real hoarder and there is a lot to clear. Items of worth we will either ship back to the UK or use a local auctioneer, however how do we dispose of general household stuff (such as the contents of her garage, crockery, linen, a mountain of books etc)? Are we able to hire a skip like in the UK? Are there organisations that deal with house clearances? Can we use the local 'dump' or is this just for residents? The property is just outside Villefranche Sur Mer.

Any advice would be gratefully received.

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You may find that a local Emmaus would take some of it that could be useful

I don't know that area, but here the local Mairie will also take away

objets encombrants...ask  them.


encombrants correspondent aux déchets qui, du fait de leur poids et de

leur volume, ne sont pas pris en charge par le service de collecte des

ordures ménagères.

La loi n'établit pas de liste des encombrants, mais en pratique il peut notamment s'agir :

  • du mobilier (table, chaises, armoire...),
  • de matelas,
  • de sommiers,
  • d'appareils de gros électroménager (lave-linge, réfrigérateur, gazinière...) si la commune les accepte en tant que tels.

Toutefois, certains déchets bien que volumineux ne sont pas considérés comme des encombrants, notamment :

  • les gravats qui doivent être amenés en déchetterie,
  • les déchets verts (herbe tondue, branchages ...),
  • les pneus usagés (qui doivent être repris gratuitement par votre garagiste),
  • les bouteilles de gaz qui doivent être reprises gratuitement par le vendeur ou remise à un point de collecte,
  • les véhicules à moteur (carcasses de voitures, cyclomoteurs...).

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Facebook have regional groups for buying/selling items of any description, even free things if you just want to get rid of stuff.

Emmaus are good so I would investigate that option, even a troc if there is a local one.

You probably can find a local charity shop if you are happy to donate.

Depending on the time you have, garage/house sales are quite popular. You usually advertise with a board pointing in the direction or at the local maire.

Good luck and sorry for your loss.
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