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Running a small Chambres d'Hotes


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I have not been on the forum for a couple of months, but on today and read with interest the threads about opening a B&B.

I would say it is not much use asking the magazines to run an article, because it seems to me that each Departement has different requirements, and therefore the article would be difficult to put together.

We had a successful first year, English, French, Dutch and Spanish visitors, which was wonderful. We are still, one year on, trying to sort out where to register. We have been approved by a B&B Association recognised by the French Office de Tourism, so you don't have to tie yourselves to Gites de France for 10 years. Clevacances, well in our Departement they are not much cop, mostly French gites.

At a recent meeting with the local Tourism Office we were told there is 'a new law in France which requires everyone not registered with Gites de France to complete an official form (yes, another form!!!) and apply to the Prefecture of the Department who will come out and visit you, measure up your rooms, inspect your kitchen - you must have 2 if you are going to do table d'hote (I thought the idea of that was to eat with the family!) and then, if they decide not to licence you - for 5 years for a fee - and someone inconsiderately dies on you and you have the Sapeur Pompiers and the Gendarmes and they ask to see your licence and you haven't one from the Prefecture, you can be put in prison - this chap is really likeable!!

So, it seems to me to depend on the Department - and does anyone know about this new law, because the site of the Chambres des Metiers/Commerce seems not to have heard of it?!!

Be interested in comments, input etc.

NB - I would hesitate to recommend a newly published book on the subject, because they can only write as per their circumstances, not how it is with every departement in France. Perhaps one B&B from each departement in France should write a book!!
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>have been approved by a
>B&B Association recognised by the
>French Office de Tourism, so
>you don't have to tie
>yourselves to Gites de France
>for 10 years. Clevacances,
>well in our Departement they
>are not much cop, mostly
>French gites.

It is a misunderstanding that you have to tie yourself to gites de france for 10 years - this tie is only if you take a grant from them to convert your property. If you just sign up after the work is done the only tie is for the year of your subscription and you can hop in and out as it suits you.
>At a recent meeting with the
>local Tourism Office we were
>told there is 'a new
>law in France which requires
>everyone not registered with Gites
>de France to complete an
>official form (yes, another form!!!)
>and apply to the Prefecture
>of the Department who will
>come out and visit you,
>measure up your rooms, inspect
>your kitchen - you must
>have 2 if you are
>going to do table d'hote
>(I thought the idea of
>that was to eat with
>the family!) and then, if
>they decide not to licence
>you - for 5 years
>for a fee - and
>someone inconsiderately dies on you
>and you have the Sapeur
>Pompiers and the Gendarmes and
>they ask to see your
>licence and you haven't one
>from the Prefecture, you can
>be put in prison -
>this chap is really likeable!!
I suspect this is so everyone is running to a certain standard. However; who is going to do the inspection and just think how much work would be involved. We all know those who don't have licences etc and I suspect that the gendarmes if they visit will give you a warning first. I think someone is egging the pudding here to frighten people; but having said that if you are giving breakfast and/or doing meals then why not get the licence it's free for the petit or just a few euros for the grande. I

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