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Municipal elections and expat voting rights.


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We have a friend who is standing as a candidate for mayor in the forthcoming municipal elections.  I'd read on the UK government website that post Brexit,  ie.after January 31st, UK expats resident in France would no longer have the right to vote in any French elections.
We apologised to our friend and explained this to her but she assured us that we would be able to vote for her list in March.
What are other people's understanding of this please?

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The official French statement is on https://brexit.gouv.fr/sites/brexit/accueil/vous-etes-britannique-en/droit-au-sejour-en.html

As a British national, will I be able to vote at the next European and local elections ?

As from the withdrawal date, British citizens living in France will no longer be able to take part in the election of French members of the European Parliament nor in local elections. As the condition of nationality (being a citizen of an EU Member State) provided for by Article 2-1 of the Act of 7 July 1977 on the election of members of the European Parliament and Article L.O. 227-1 of the French Electoral Code for local elections will no longer be fulfilled, British citizens will therefore lose their right to vote in these elections.

Accordingly, British citizens who also have French nationality are not concerned by the foregoing.
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I've been thinking about this for a long time, in fact, ever since Brexit was first mooted.  I do think it right that we will not be able to vote for the municipal or European elections.

It was one of the things that bothered me but now it's just a case of bowing to the inevitable.

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pomme is correct in citing the French government site.

What has not been mentioned is that Brits will no longer be able to stand as candidates either.
 I know some have previously been on their local council although it was never possible to be Maire or Adjoint

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