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Tax and Things


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After following through with some of the things mentioned last year about registering your B&B and making yourself legal I have now started to receive official documents and requests for payment. I have to say so far they dont seem to be that bad (at the moment).

I have two questions really.

Firstly, I have received a document headed Renseigements Sur Le Paiement De LImprt from which I notice we are registered as a Micro Bic which is what we wanted. However on tapping away at the old calculator I see we are getting the 72% allowance yet we only sell a service i.e. Chambres DHotes. I was under the impression that we would only get 52% as we dont buy and sell. Any idea which one we should getting and if it is wrong should I tell them (so it does not catch up with me latter)?

Secondly, when I went to register I got the impression that my tax regime may depend on the number of days/months we are open for. Is this correct and if so how long can you stay open for?

Look forward to the repies.


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LAST EDITED ON 16-Aug-04 AT 10:51 AM (BST)

>After following through with some of
>the things mentioned last year
>about registering your B&B and
>making yourself legal I have
>now started to receive official
>documents and requests for payment.
>I have to say so
>far they dont seem to
>be that bad (at the
>I have two questions really.
>Firstly, I have received a document
>headed Renseigements Sur Le Paiement
>De LImprt from which I
>notice we are registered as
>a Micro Bic which is
>what we wanted. However on
>tapping away at the old
>calculator I see we are
>getting the 72% allowance yet
>we only sell a service
>i.e. Chambres DHotes. I was
>under the impression that we
>would only get 52% as
>we dont buy and sell.
>Any idea which one we
>should getting and if it
>is wrong should I tell
>them (so it does not
>catch up with me latter)?

No, the tax people have given you the correct abbatement. They are in charge Chris, do as they say. It has often been said by people on here, keep things simple and on this occasion you have been given correct deductions and now it is best to simply go along with their decisoin.

>Secondly, when I went to register
>I got the impression that
>my tax regime may depend
>on the number of days/months
>we are open for. Is
>this correct and if so
>how long can you stay
>open for?

I have answered this privately to you and repeat what I said then. It could be that you have not understood what they meant. Perhaps they thought that if you opened for longer you may have taken more money to put you in to a higher bracket, that could mean you being no longer on micro bic. That figure is beyond your probable reach.

It is not, to my knowledge, how many hours or months etc that you work that interest the Hotel des Impots (saisonires or full time) but the bottom line.

With cotisations, it is different, you can de-register at the Ch de Commerce and not pay cotisations for certain periods but even then, it normally comes down to the annual turnover.

I am sure the Impot only need to know your yearly figures.

Perhaps others have had it happen differently?


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