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How things change!


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A year ago you could have looked in the B&B forum to see Miki and me tearing strips off each otherand hurling abuse left, right and centre.  A couple of weeks ago I had a phonecall from a lady asking if we had vacancies because our place had been recommended to her by ....... can you believe it, MIKI!  Well now it's time to return the favour.  As if he needs MY help

Miki, we have a French couple staying with us at the moment who feel they may like to move a bit further west into Brittany.  Do you have a double room available from Wednesday for anything up to 4 nights?  Evening meals as well I think.  They don't speak a word of English but that shouldn't be a problem for you.

Funny how things change isn't it?

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[quote]A year ago you could have looked in the B&B forum to see Miki and me tearing strips off each otherand hurling abuse left, right and centre. A couple of weeks ago I had a phonecall from a lady ask...[/quote]

Hi Coco,

Sorry but we are quite full.

This week is the Agricole Expo in Rennes and we have our usual bunch of Belgians who take over 3 of our rooms until Friday morning.

We have a double room available on the 15th and also one available on the 17th September and that's it until the 21st, when we have a room available for 3 nights. So if they don't mind one night !

At the moment we have 2 French couples who are also eating every night for their week stay here.

You are right Coco, changes are what life is all about and if 2 mature people can't sort their little problems out, what chance have world leaders

Thanks for the recipricol recommendation, this could become be an annual thing !!



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Thanks Miki

They've just gone out for the day but when they get back I'll ask if they're happy with one night of whether they want somewhere they can spend all four nights.

BTW how long does it take to get to Rennes from you?  It's just about an hour from here, it can't be much less from your place.  If you get any overspills next year we'll take them!!

Not with GDF yet Gay - still weighing up the options and costs.

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Rennes St Gregoire (Geant and Brico Depot) is at most 25 minutes.

Rennes South (Chantpie area) is about 35 minutes and Rennes Centre is around 30 mins.

We would of course recommend you for any guests who want to go to Normandy after staying here (or before) and who have no place pre-booked. The "Overspills" we get are generally people who specifically want to be in a certain area. So of course we have locals who we "network" with.

I suspect you have a group who you "interact" with for "overs" in your area ? It is positively encouraged with G de Fr but one would do so without their encouragenent anyway wouldn't they.

I wonder though if the locals give "les anglais" the nod only after all other local chambres have been asked about availability ? Cynical, well we give many "overs" to the "group" and only get a handful back each year but then again, when we are rung, we often have to tell them we are full, so....................

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[quote]Thanks Miki They've just gone out for the day but when they get back I'll ask if they're happy with one night of whether they want somewhere they can spend all four nights. BTW how long does it take...[/quote]

Hi Coco,

Sorry for the delay in reporting back but we have been rather busy with one thing or another, in the last 24 hours.

Anyway, I would like to publicly thank you for sending the French couple here from your place, which they said to say, they enjoyed very much. They stayed for the one night we had available and also ate and drank here last night.

Lovely couple but I must say, we do find that most folks from the "59 & 62" are really down to earth and we enjoy their visits. They have now gone on further to the west today.



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You mean they didn't want to hit the night spots of St Malo?

Very sweet couple, although it was quite difficult to extract more than a couple of words from Madame.

59ers and 62ers do seem to like this area.  I think probably 80% of our French visitors are from there, including the couple arriving tonight.

Glad they enjoyed their stay here.  That's what they said in the Guest Book but then you never really know do you?  Until they come back again of course.

We had the Cincinnati Kid staying last night on a recommendation from one of our American guests (the one that showed up) .  He came with his brother and dad, which was just as well because he didn't look old enough to be out on his own, and yet he had three kids of his own!!!They were doing the usual American thing, drove here yesterday from Bonn, did the British D-Day beaches, stayed here last night and doing the US Beaches today before driving home to Bonn tonight. 

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