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Taxe Professionelle 2005


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Certainly taxe professionelle can apply to properties that are used for business if they are not also the property (or dependencies of the property) in which the owners live. In other words, if you live in one house and own a second somewhere else that is your business, tax professionelle may apply in place of taxe d'habitation.

On the plus side, it tends to be less than the taxe d'habitation would be.
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It's our first year. I took one look at it and decided that it was definitely a job for the accountant.

Are you supposed to provide estimated figures for it? If so, when do you need to provide them with the actual figures?

On the taxation aspects, is there any (relatively) simple guide to how the system works?




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[quote]Certainly taxe professionelle can apply to properties that are used for business if they are not also the property (or dependencies of the property) in which the owners live. In other words, if you li...[/quote]

We've now been in touch with the department (Insp IFU?)that sent the form, via an interpreter, and it seems that as we are a B & B registered with Gites de France, we just need to write a letter (and of course return the form, signed but uncompleted) asking for a 'dégrèvement totale' because the B & B is in our main residence, and we're G de F approved.  We live in 87.

I have to say that I hope no-one then tries to split hairs, as our guest rooms are in a converted barn, about 11m from our house, although guests take breakfast and dinner chez nous.


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[quote]We've now been in touch with the department (Insp IFU?)that sent the form, via an interpreter, and it seems that as we are a B & B registered with Gites de France, we just need to write a letter (...[/quote]

You should be fine. We have one gite on site with us (spookly about 11m away) which gets lumped into our taxe d'habitation and a second property in a neighbouring commune that is assessed for taxe professionelle. As I say, the latter is less, so we'd like the property onsite with us to be assessed for professionelle, but it would seem that we live just too close to it!
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[quote]We've now been in touch with the department (Insp IFU?)that sent the form, via an interpreter, and it seems that as we are a B & B registered with Gites de France, we just need to write a letter (...[/quote]

We have found that what you gain by contesting the Taxe Professionelle, you may well find that magically a similar amount appears extra on your taxe habitation.

You may prefer to not have the taxe pro but in my experience of mine and others, by more space in your house now given over to habitation use, it can often equal itself out.



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  • 3 weeks later...
We've just been through this ourselves with our accountant. His advice was that if your income from gites and or B&B is over €23000 or if it makes up more than 50% of your income then you pay tax professionelle.

As ever - only one persons opinion. Others may differ.

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