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Naturalisation application form - dead relatives


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If parents or siblings are dead do we:

1) provide their last address; 2) put décédé next to their name; 3) leave them out entirely; 4) provide a death certificate with any of the above?

Thanks in advance (just phoned our local an regional préfectures and no joy from either!)
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For parents, I wrote décedé(e) next to their names. You'll need to provide a certificate with their place and date of birth however. This could be their birth or death certificate, depending on their country of residence. Some prefectures ask for their wedding certificate as well.
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Thanks for the reply. Décédé(e) it is then. We're going to send our parent's birth and wedding certificates but don't have their death certificates to hand. Two of our siblings have also predeceased us but as far as I can see no certificates are required for them.
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Via Toulouse ('décret), I needed to give my birth cert, birth cert of each of my parents, their marriage cert and my marriage cert. Double check the list on your préfecture's web site.

Nothing for our children, just their details on the CERFA form.

On the CERFA form, against my parents details, I marked 'décédé(e)'.

Death certificates were not needed. However, if there is one thing of which you can be certain it is that you can never have too much documentation!
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Three years into the process, even after my interview at the Préfecture I had a request for the birth certificate of my ex-wife from whom I have been divorced for over 30 years..with a certified translation of course..

One of the reasons for all this is that they make you a version of your own 'livret de famille' that you will get later (they also give your your French birth certificate)

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Thanks for warning, Norman (pity the rubric isn't comprehensive)! I think we'll be lucky to get away without further 'requests'.

PS: I know that you have to provide an official declaration that you have lived in France for x number of years if x is less than 10 years. But I can't find any need for proof for those who have lived in France for more than 10 years. Do they simply check our tax records etc?

PPS: When do you get your identity card?
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I still haven't got mine.
I had a letter to say that I i have acquired French Nationality, and my name is in the JO, but the letter also says that I  have to wait for up to 6 months for the pack of documents that you receive , and I will  need those to go to the Mairie and apply for the ID cart and passport. They don't come automatically you have to apply for them, BUT you can do it at any Mairie equipped to take fingerprints. It doesn't have to be the one of the town in which you live.

That could be useful for me since out local Mairie is notoriously difficult and inefficient.

For the date of arrival (mine was 1995) I gave  them a copy of my first Carte de séjour which shows  it.

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That's really helpful, Norman.

Unfortunately we didn't bother with a CdS until 8 years ago (the Préfecture was very reluctant to give us one). But we do have our tax bills going back to 2008 so we'll have to risk one of those! However (clutching at straws) in order to get our CdS we had to submit 3 years of tax bills so that takes us to 11 years.

Have you come across a ref that specifically refers to 10 year + residents?
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NH, you don't (or should not) need to wait. Once (or about 2 weeks after) appearance in JO you should be able to proceed. Since I'm not quite there yet, I'm not really au fait with all the details, but these people are: https://www.easytrangers.com/t/forum-2-naturalisation-par-decret-etapes-adn-cni-passeport-ceremonie-apres-publication-jo/6331
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That looks hopeful. I hope the people at my Mairie  have  read it [:D]

The problem is whether they will accept the letter I have as

un justificatif de nationalité française, selon votre situation : une

copie intégrale de l’acte de naissance de moins de 3 mois, comportant la

mention de nationalité française, ou à défaut un décret de naturalisation

ou de réintégration, une déclaration d'acquisition de la nationalité

française, un justificatif de nationalité française du parent français

(carte nationale d'identité du parent), ou un certificat de nationalité

française établi par le greffe du Tribunal de Grande Instance

I hope they will take it as 'une déclaration d'acquisition de la nationalité

française' mais 'rien n'est  mons sûr' [:(]

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As I understand it, the procedure is meant to be (at least largely) dématérialisé. I think that the link I gave has (somewhere!) a description of the procedure, starting with ANTS (https://passeport.ants.gouv.fr/Services-associes/Realiser-une-pre-demande-de-carte-nationale-d-identite-CNI) and what to do when your Mairie says "not here mate". From memory, the recommendation was then go to a different Mairie, since many are not up to speed with the dematerialised system.
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I have done the ANTS prédemande (and paid the timbre online) and have downloaded the document you  get.

I have also made an appointment with the Mairie but don't know what they will accept as they won't discuss it until I go to the appointment..typically for here there is nothing available until mid March  so will see then.

I am tempted to try a few other places to see if I can get anything earlier since the ANTS form can be taken anywhere..

Thanks a lot for this tip and your help [B]

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  • 1 year later...
On 15/02/2020 at 17:26, NormanH said:
I have done the ANTS prédemande (and paid the timbre online) and have downloaded the document you  get.


I have also made an appointment with the Mairie but don't know what they will accept as they won't discuss it until I go to the appointment..typically for here there is nothing available until mid March  so will see then.


I am tempted to try a few other places to see if I can get anything earlier since the ANTS form can be taken anywhere..


Thanks a lot for this tip and your help [B]


Hi there. We're in the same position (names on JO and have done two prédemandes) . Did you manage to get your passport and identity card without having to wait  6 months for the pack of documents? 

(We have just phoned one local Mairie which said that we need the pack of docs.) 

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE: We found a Mairie and completed the application. All appeared to be going well until we received a call yesterday asking for our French birth certificates. We will therefore have to wait for the documents. 

On the bright side, our local Mairie accepted our JO entry for the electoral register. 

Edited by greyduster
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