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Anyone else use maison-hote.fr?

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I recently signed up for this website and was pleased to see that I almost immediately got a couple of enquiries.  However, they seem to work in a most peculiar a*s* about face way, which is time-consuming for both the CdH owner and the customer.  You receive an email from maison-hote telling you that someone is looking for accommodation similar to yours, in your departement.  It then gives you their contact details and any info they have given, ie, specific region they are looking in and it is up to YOU to contact the customer.

This seems ludicrous to me.  For example, I had two enquiries last night, one saying that they wanted to be in the Tribehou region.  When I looked on the map Tribehou is only about 20km away, however, it is such a tiny place that I presume they must be planning on going to a wedding or something.  Therefore, us being 20km away is much too far.  Whereas, had they said "Saint-Lo region" one could assume they were just saying that because it is the nearest largish town and therefore anywhere within a 20-30km radius may have been acceptable.  I responded, but doubt that I will get an answer.  Now if this email has been sent to all the registered CdH in Manche and they all respond, this poor man is going to be inundated with emails, nearly all of which are going to be useless to him.

The other enquiry was even worse, it didn't give a region, and it gave a phone number rather than email, so those poor people could also find their phone ringing off the wall with CdH from places they have no inclination to visit.

Has anyone else had experience of this site and does it work this way round?

On top of everything else, I know I'm more expensive than some of the local French CdH, so again, I could be wasting my time if people are looking for a 30€ per night room.

Still, at least the site was free!11

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Had to have a look because half the time I have no idea who we are with !!

So, Yes is the answer.

It has a few lines about our place and a link to our website from the page in Brittany and if we get any clients from them, then it must be through our sites email address or the phone number so I am not absolutely sure how it works with your place ?

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Hi Miki

I've just had another look at the home page and presumably the problem is that there are two search options:  "Cliquez ici pour rechercher une chambre d'hote"  and "cliquez ici pour consulter l'annuaire des chambres d'hotes".  The trouble is, the first one is the one that gives you the form that gets sent to the proprietor and as it's higher up the page than the second link I think that's what people think they have to use to find a CdH.  Mine is the same as yours, in that if you go to the annuaire it comes up with a link to my site and email, but I still think it's a very strange way of doing things.

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