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growth in occupancy year to year

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We're starting to wonder what sort of things we should be thinking about for next year and, of course, a lot of that is dependant on how many guests we will have.

As we're into our second year, we've some figures from the corresponding months last year. However, somehow I doubt that we'll be able to manage to treble the occupancy in April again next year and, unless we add a couple of floors, we'll definitely not be able to have 10 times the number next May either.

Anyway, I was wondering what kind of growth in occupancy others have experienced? I read a while back that one of the old timers had a growth rate of around 20% for the first few years but they were here 10 years ago so I'm thinking that someone who didn't start quite so long ago would be a better comparison (ie essentially a post-internet place).

Yes, I know, it's a "how long is a piece of string" type of question in some ways but the answers will give us and others something of a feel for what sort of numbers we could expect next year (all things being equal etc.).




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