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Free B&B site listings

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The gite people have had the good fortune to have http://svb-photos.spain.com/free_ads.htm  which lists heaps of free listings sites.

We have to make our own good fortune so far as I can see, so I have thrown my freebie listings together at www.ourinns.org/freesites.htm . It lists all the sites that I know of which either don't charge at all or give at least a couple of months free initially.

As Paolo says, you get what you pay for so don't be thinking that this is a substitute for proper advertising. On the other hand, I've had bookings from some of the sites and you never know when some potential guest will come across one of them... and if you ain't there, you won't get booked!

Anyway, if you let me know of other freebie sites, I'll add them in. I'm sure there must be thousands of them that I've missed.




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Thank you Arnold for sharing this information. Currently i have not got time to have a look but will look once a get some spare time. I am currently only on about 13 free sites and to be honest have not received one enquiry from them, as you say its no substitute for proprt advertising but if it gives you extra coverage one never knows who might see the advert
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