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Guests who won't go out !!


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Crikey , What a thread !!!! I thought Sunny D was a drink, with artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives, I do know it has a funny taste,,,yuk...

Has this got anything to do with this,   ?    

Everyone has a different way, but some have a worse way.

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[quote]Crikey , What a thread !!!! I thought Sunny D was a drink, with artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives, I do know it has a funny taste,,,yuk... Has this got anything to do with this, ...[/quote]

Nought to do with the drink, Shas ;-)

It was how I was feeling, off the top of my head when I signed up..........Obviously as you have read, that taste is now decidedly sour..........

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Be my guest, sue me then ! How's it going to read ? The person with no name sues Miki, well at least you would have to break cover and then we will find out about you!!

"Your comments re internet and website help does show that you know very little about this particular side of promotion"

Funny then, that our bookings through our site are huge ......glad we don't know much about it, other wise we would be 150% full, Mmmmmm is that possible ?

There are lots of questions been asked and you have neatly side stepped the lot is why I have huge doubts about what you do and how well you actually are doing it. The biggest problem I have is your inability to see the logic that a cheap house will not be available in the kind of area that one would get good the kind of bookings you boast of. You said you had no other income and shouted it at me and in the same breath, said you had capital that you gained interest off as well as the capital to fall back on....lots of things as well on top that simply just don't add up, sorry but that's the way I see it.

"So I am supposed to just take it on the chin and offer you advice free gratis ...."

Oh and another thing...read my text, I don't want your help, never did, never asked (only in jest)I give help freely, something you simply would not do and that is just selfish.

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Now let’s get this straight once and for all : (Look away now Gill if you don't want to get bored )


Your 2nd ever line in a posting

“The term "Guest" should be refrased into "Paying customer" - Thats what they are, you have advertised and encouraged their custom, if they are paying, please appreciate that major fact.”

That’s not a comment surely, that is more a command to see something that we think we might just already know.

And this what you said later

“….I have never said at any time how anyone SHOULD run their own business, purely how I see things”

Purely how you see things seemed more like a command to me !! As if we didn’t know how to treat guest after along time in the trade, we all needed to be told that eh ?

Followed quickly by this line

“It appears that most B&B owners here, want the monies but not the anaomlies of folk, this should of been thoroughly thought through before the £/€ signs appeared in their eyes.”

That was a comment aimed at people who know their trade, from someone with a room or two to let, whilst the rest of us have worked out how to tat the clienst well enough to have a good business, we are accused of just wanting the money without the problems, what are we then stupid and just do it to annoy our clients. We have been in the game a long, long while, and we think we may just have it right by now!

Your post tells us we should have known how to run it before we started, well sorry….only experience means anything in this business and I will accept no other way.

Then this cracker :

“The terminology for a "Hotel", simply means accommodation that also serves food on the premises, it doesnt state anywhere that you can use the room all day either.”

Sorry but we know many, many hotels in France that do not serve food, another mistake on your part, I would have thought someone who had lived here as long as you, would know that fact.

Remember this one :

“France is awash with B&B's and every other type of rental and accommodation, you have to go the extra mile if you are serious about succeeding long term”

When I said how giving food must be going the extra mile, you said no, so now answer, what is going the extra mile actually about? Letting a person stay in the house while you are out ? Try telling that to the flics when you come back and the bird has flown the coop !!

And another misunderstanding from you :

“Then it is obvously worth all of the hard work you put in, evening meals also to me do not make a B&B, it maketh a hotel.

But once again, Hotels do not have to do food and many I know do not ! Andf many B&B’s as you put it do. You cannot simply make up your own rules by saying B&B’s don’t do food because they most certainly do and the largest operator of all GdF who for the greater part, CdH rules are made by and kept, they call them TdH. Don’t mix any UK thoughts for France, you are operating here and that is where the rules and regs are abided by!

“…So, what specifically is the difference between your own business and a hotel? I still fail to see any differencs from the services offered. Is it purely down to the No of rooms offered and not the services?”

Now again, if you knew the business, you would know the answer to that one, ask anyone on heren with a CdH and they will tell you.

Then :

“…Funny that, believe it or not, our first guests arrived at 8 and love our hospitality and what we offer B&B”

This was posted at just after 10.15p. and we now have to believe in that time, the guests have said how wonderful it all is and you have told them all about the forum and how right you are and how wrong we are and the guests says you are right……incredible story !

Then, the next line goes :

“No, I did not ask the new client immediately he crossed the "very welcome" mat, it came up in conversation over a welcoming drink of T.”

If I brought that up with a guest, he would think me bonkers, oh…………………

And then :

“Therefore, your comment about my lack of knowledge regarding your type of business is correct. You have educated me should I ever want to expand my B&B.”

And I am now correct again ! You say you have a lack of knowledge but I don’t care if it is 2,3 or 5 bedrooms, experience in any of those situations, would be enough to tell one all they needed to know about running a place with 1-6 bedrooms and as you say you have been doing it for far as long time before your new place

You say …“Opening night here maybe, but not my first B&B, sorry to inform you that my opinions about service and customer care are not totaly unfounded as you would relish.”

So why haven’t you learned from experience ?As I said experience is simply gained from any size of establishment but you tell me “I have educated you…..” Seems pretty strange to me that you had another B&B but still said I educated you, doesn’t it ?

The a little classic :

“…What has another income got to do with running an accommodation business????? I fail to see any corelation to this subject. If you are running a business, you run it right to the best of your ability.”

It has a lot to do with it, how handy to have some interest accruing annually behind you and a nice capital in the bank ! Sure makes it easier to run any business.

“….I do not have another income, and as said earlier, it would of been a mistake originally to buy a property too large that would require needing guaranteed business income. People have a choice to cut the cloth to suite their needs and live with that descision”

Oh and here’s another of your quotes saying how long you had been here doing B&B

“I also think the assumption here is that I have just moved to France last week, I have lived here 5 years and have all of the experience that brings.2

There’s that word again…experience, yet you have said I have educated you, really is a bit worrying that part. For someone who has done so much, 5 years is enough to teach you most of what you need to know, surely ?

Whoops here we go again, NO INCOME, ones little stash simply forgotten eh ? do you also tell the Impôts that you have no other income ? Or just for our benefit.

And a day or so later, up it pops again,

“…If I state I have no other income, it means exactly that, I HAVE NO OTHER INCOME. You will choose to believe what you will and see what you want to see within my comments.”

Now why did you keep bringing up that load of old flannel when all along you knew damned well you had money behind you, was it simply to make us all believe that you were truly surviving on the income of just two bedrooms and that is why I am sorry but you have been dishonest with us on this score.

And here I will say it again and this time please tell me that you can live on just two bedrooms and NOT use any other income whatsoever and remember, you have already stated that you will close for periods when you don’t want to be open (like most of the winter for a start !!)

You refuse to say who you are registered with (not meaning the tourist office, which leads to another surprise) and how you get your health cover here, why is that ?

Obviously I have read through your posts and found again, that there are other peoples questions just laying about unanswered, if you are legit and above board, why are these Q’s not simply answered, you have done a good job by swerving around them and ignoring them all.

This is another beauty :

“My thoughts on the size of accommodation and what that should make it in my eyes etc are my own, you don’t have to like them or agree with them.” (sunnyd talking what he/she sees as the correct size for a B&B)

But how can France, in
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  My guess would be that you are targeting a particular niche in the market. Nothing wrong in that of course, but it's just the feeling I get from reading your posts.

 I could easily be wrong but if I'm right, I think your comments are simply not comparing like-for-like.


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[quote]SunnyD, My guess would be that you are targeting a particular niche in the market. Nothing wrong in that of course, but it's just the feeling I get from reading your posts. I could easily be wro...[/quote]

"“The term "Guest" should be refrased into "Paying customer" - Thats what they are, you have advertised and encouraged their custom, if they are paying, please appreciate that major fact.”"

"That’s not a comment surely, that is more a command to see something that we think we might just already know."

Not a command by any means, you shoose to see or take it that way, your choice.

"“It appears that most B&B owners here, want the monies but not the anaomlies of folk, this should of been thoroughly thought through before the £/€ signs appeared in their eyes.”"

QThat was a comment aimed at people who know their trade, from someone with a room or two to let, whilst the rest of us have worked out how to tat the clienst well enough to have a good business, we are accused of just wanting the money without the problems, what are we then stupid and just do it to annoy our clients. We have been in the game a long, long while, and we think we may just have it right by now!
Your post tells us we should have known how to run it before we started, well sorry….only experience means anything in this business and I will accept no other way."

It was a comment aimed at people that cannot or did not expect to oddities of paying customers and yes, of course with experience you learn. Then you too know and accept the anomolies of folk, if you choose to complain about it, you still have not accepted it even with experience.

The a little classic :
“…What has another income got to do with running an accommodation business????? I fail to see any corelation to this subject. If you are running a business, you run it right to the best of your ability.”

It has a lot to do with it, how handy to have some interest accruing annually behind you and a nice capital in the bank ! Sure makes it easier to run any business.
“….I do not have another income, and as said earlier, it would of been a mistake originally to buy a property too large that would require needing guaranteed business income. People have a choice to cut the cloth to suite their needs and live with that descision”

""Oh and here’s another of your quotes saying how long you had been here doing B&B
“I also think the assumption here is that I have just moved to France last week, I have lived here 5 years and have all of the experience that brings 2
There’s that word again…experience, yet you have said I have educated you, really is a bit worrying that part. For someone who has done so much, 5 years is enough to teach you most of what you need to know, surely ?

"" Whoops here we go again, NO INCOME, ones little stash simply forgotten eh ? do you also tell the Impôts that you have no other income ? Or just for our benefit.""

I thought you new all of the rules and regs in France.......

All of the above is pure drivvel. I do not have another income, my property is not where I chose to keep my funds, others do and have to work hard to keep up a certain standard of living, there choice.  I use my past assets for now, others choose to keep it in bricks and morter for cashing in in later in life, I again, because of my artners two heart attacks chose to make the most of that monies now. Very simple to understand really.

Appologies to all who are tired of this thread but I will not be misunderstood and meanings put into those words by someone



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[quote]SunnyD, My guess would be that you are targeting a particular niche in the market. Nothing wrong in that of course, but it's just the feeling I get from reading your posts. I could easily be wro...[/quote]

Thanks, a voice of reason does exist here........

But you suggest it is just me that could be doing that. I have never said anything less than what I do, but others think I should be doing it their way only for it to be correct. They also should know from experience, different areas of France have different rules and regulations. In France, nothing is black and white, hence confusion making a big grey area in the middle where mis understandings come into play. You cannot tar many things in france with the same brush.


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[quote]Be my guest, sue me then ! How's it going to read ? The person with no name sues Miki, well at least you would have to break cover and then we will find out about you!!"Your comments re internet and w...[/quote]

"" Oh and another thing...read my text, I don't want your help, never did, never asked (only in jest)I give help freely, something you simply would not do and that is just selfish. ""

Ouf of context, i will help anyone at any time, but Internet promotion and website optimisation you should be aware of is a very costly business and no one, thats no one, will part with their knowledge on that count.

Be aware, you where and are the exception to my offer of free help made to all earlier, you have it all already and doesnt everyone know it, keep up the good work but be happy

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And I thought that the expression was Paying Guests. Customers, well you could call them Punters or some other such thing couldn't you. 

The difference for me is that they well, people are guests if they stay in your home and are not being serviced, as customer implies.


I am intrigued though as to where you could be. Touristy yet cheap property, best not to say or you'll be flooded out with competition. 

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Oh Jeez

There was a long thread of debate some time ago about customer service  and hotels vs B and B's. No I don't recall the name of the thread.

*One of the things that emerged was diversity. That's good.

*Another thing was diversity but with the same label; less good. Customers don't know what to expect.

I have known excellent CdH and I have also felt repulsed against CdH/B&B by some of the postings on this forum. I feel, as an outsider Brit, that the label/terminology is not sufficiently clear.

In practice I am sure that most if not all CdH work their hearts out to serve their customers well. However some of the postings do make me wonder what 'advantage' they have over hotels, and price is surely not the big deal ?

Good luck to all as long as nobody is bringing things into disrepute. I admire the efforts of those doing it properly and over the long term.





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"....Be aware, you where and are the exception to my offer of free help made to all earlier"

Once again, in the words of the immortal Lester "So I guess you had better pack the game in then Miki" Help from you, yeh right !!!

I give up, you obviously have no intention of answering the glut of questions and sorry but I really do think you are a bit of a fraud. No answers to all those questions makes me worried that simply cannot answer them and probably do not have a idea. As they say in soccer, "you may talk a good game but it just won't transfer on to the pitch" Running a little twee place has no bearing on anything, most of us could do that in our sleep, big talk but sorry, it has little bearing on actuality I'm afraid.

As for all this trying to say what a B&B is, or isn't, we work with the French, they (for the largest majority) have no idea about how B&B works in the UK but in France know the difference in general between a CdH and a Hotel.

GdF for instance describe what one can expect quite well and explain to any potential guests that they must respect their "hosts" (their words) home and act accordingly (anyone remember Ian emphasing that very point when he was on here and he was on the conseil for his dept) That is how it should for all those that come here and open their doors as a CdH. You learn to be a patron in the French sense, if you simply want the Brits in your home (and yes, many do and for various reasons, we have all met them) and only speak English, then please, do try to remember the way it is is for those that deal with the French on an everyday scale, it is quite different.

The whole ethos of how CdH works, as against a British B&B in the UK, are quite honestly, miles apart, from the etiquette, through to what breakfasts they like, to what time for dinners, how it should be taken, well in general, the list of requirements expected are quite different. It is difficult to explain how far apart at times, the French and the British attitudes are. Those that have been here a while will know (with a CdH or not) what I mean.

Too much talk of differences but any sensible person should take the time to find out the differnce, if in doubt, take an Hotel. If you are after a personal touch in a warm welcoming atmmosphere, with home cooking and patrons you would like to talk with whenever and more or less feel at home (how many of us in our livre d'or's have home from home written in them and that is what it basically should feel like) well you should find a CdH perhaps but we also know some lovely hotels where this kind of feel is plentiful but we also know we can ask and get things in our room and at late time of night, which one really should not do to owners in a CdH.

If you all say you would still expect that, then you have missed the point, the French wouldn't and once again, please do not mix up what you would expect in the UK to translate in to France, that is just the usual "well we can get the Sun in our newspaper shop and the same days one as well" !!!!!

Sometimes does anyone feel that having any experience is pointless ? as every new person (no one in particular either)that arrives, tells us how things should be run and just how they will run their place and all so very different to us or anyone else, they have plans, who get's that one ? Don't mistake that for not wanting changes or new ideas, We just ensure that we ourselves know what the FRENCH requirements are and that is what we give them.

Surely, any British visitors must simply slip in to that, because if they stayed at any French place, they would only get, what the French themselves get. To put it simply, when in Rome......old but, oh so wise words !

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"....I am intrigued though as to where you could be. Touristy yet cheap property, best not to say or you'll be flooded out with competition"

What are the chances of that ? As you know, we have lived from South to North, buying on the way. Seen much of France, kind of know how house prices work and probably where the best places are to buy from a business practice attitude. OK, nothing special about that, most immos and people who care to take time out and know France, will know all that but, what we are being told, is that there is this place, not actually called Utopia but has a French name and is so secreet, not one of us know of it, bar sunnyd!

No other B&B's exist, gites abound though (and with pools)now that is rarer than rocking horse pooh, it can only be in a rich affluent area then but hold on............the place up and ready and for less than 100,000 euros. Right time , right place you say........watch out there's another one !!!

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