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Guests who won't go out !!


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OK,I shall have a stab at answering some of the latest posts.

I am sorry but sunnyd, you are simply not answering questions and also telling a few differing stories at every turn.

You want to quote “first guests” and then say you have 5 years experience and show an all too distinct lack of any previous CdH knowledge.

“Yes, Gay, the accommodation is registered with the tourist office 300 mtrs away.”

Five years you now say you are now open for and state you are registered with the “Tourist Office” well most, if not all of our members on here will tell you, that to be with 90% plus (at a rough guess) of Tourists offices in France, you will need to be with a French organisation, so which one are you with ? You have still not answered and having two bedrooms will in no way be anywhere sufficient enough to gain a salary from. So it has to be part of something else or have pensions or savings to top it all up. But what is does mean, is that someone with just two rooms will not really know of the reality of how much one needs to do to gain a decent living and in which ever region you are in will certainly depict just how long your season will be for)

“No, I do not leave my property unatended at any time but at the same time do not dance attendance to any guests. I live in my home, I do not view it as a workplace that I need to get away from like many others obviously do”.

But that is what some of us are saying and you are saying we can’t expect to go out if our guests want to stay in, what do you mean, that after 5 years, you are quite happy to stay in, cause if you do, you sure are not doing enough business. That is what it is, like it or not, your house is a business, everyone with a CdH knows that and no amount of disputing will change that. We have never thought of any of our houses that we have had as any more than a place to do business from and a s long as we are open to the public, that is what our house is……

"My partner and I share the trips to the supermarket etc when we need to go. As for a social life, our clients fullfill that need, we are out again tonight by invitation. We have no wish to get into the local expat scene for socialising, that descision was born from very early experience. Therefore we feel that we miss nothing because of our labours, we love it, strange but true"

Social life with guests, now that seems pretty sad to me, what do you do, wait and size them up and decide whether you want to go out with them ? Could be a long wait on occasions, surely ! We have never chosen friends by nationality, how bizarre, rather like pretending to be French and only chose those that speak French. Do you ask them if they are ex-pats or instinctively know that all guests are better than Brits here ? We all know of Brits we want to avoid but that surely does not mean all Brits must be avoided does it ? It certainly is strange, as you put it !

I also think the assumption here is that I have just moved to France last week, I have lived here 5 years and have all of the experience that brings.

But you honestly have shown none of that experience gained, on this thread, you have simply quoted what we should or should not do and all of us do something quite different to how you tell us to act and are still here making a living……

“Bed and Breakfast. I am not talking about any other accommodation or the rules that apply to them”

Sorry but after 5 years, surely you have finally seen that we are not B&B’s in France (in the British sense) but CdH or TdH working in France for French folks and other foreigners that may book with us but any genuine CdH will first look to how the French want to find a CdH and that is what any foreigner will have to handle your place. Or, you will certainly be a led a dogs life, try keeping the Dutch, Belgian, German, Italian, Americans and French all on different breakfasts and it won’t be long until the funny farm beckons!!

"My thoughts on the size of accommodation and what that should make it in my eyes etc are my own, you dont have to like them or agree with them"

No but this is France and so think like a French person would, not a Brit bringing his blinkered ideas to France. Where the heck do you come up with two rooms being a B&B and anything too big not being able to be a CdH ?

"Now you are taking the suggestion of staying in all day to the extreme. The idea was that people should be out of their paid accommodation from around 10am to early evening or whenenver the owner returned from whatever they wanted/needed to do."

I have never intimated that these "room" persons would not go out at certain times for a walk and for their meals."

Don’t be so daft, people don’t finish their breakfasts until well after 10h00, let alone go out. Why do you keep on picking things out of the air, nowhere does it suggest anything like 10h00. We also never intimate, it is just the done thing, people realise they are in someone’s home and know (well true CdH guests anyway) that the patrons will have other work to do.

Do you have to be reminded that CdH started for the benefit of those in “agricole”etc and they had to still do their daily chores, as well as CdH and in no way could those guests stay in the house once all the people had started their daily work around their place. On all our email, paperwork etc, guests are told that new arrival can arrive after 16h30, this is flexible for those that may need to arrive early and are told simply to inform us of such. Guests have keys (as stated a while back) and they can come and go, as long as our work is done in the house, they can return when they like but are told to ensure they lock the door behind them whether leaving or arriving back.


Sorry but from my experience of “family run “ small hotels, it has been the largest reason as to why the popularity of French CdH’s have increased massively. Take one look at the size of this years GdF National book and just how many different guide books they have on CdH. Many run down hotels can be picked up for a song on the property market. You will rarely find an aubege that is with GdF, they are with another organisation altogether, mostly Logis de France. With GdF I can assure you that stripping the beds and looking for cleanliness as well as checking mattresses for quality and !firmness” is de rigeur in ALL inspections made by their people.

If you have not had warm welcomes from GdF patrons, then I am quite shocked, I have had some real strange welcomes and service at some dodgy privately run 1 (and 2) star hotels I can tell you.

Yes, for the choice of accommodation and needs you wanted, you were right to choose an hotel, that is what we have all been trying to say to some people on this thread. As for the USA, we will have to take your word for it but do not confuse what Americans want, for what the French want, it is for the greater part, not comparable. As I said, one look at all the guide books with GdF and you can see, the CdH (and TdH) numbers are getting stronger every year. And GdF are celebrating 50 years of CdH this very year.

We work the hours we have to for the needs of our guests but that to be tempered with the requirements we need to fulfil on a daily basis. Long hours have always been traditional in the Hotel business for as long as they have been on the planet.

As for revamping ! How does one revamp the CdH business in Francefor goodness sake, when there is certainly no reason to do so ?

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[quote]Dewima, thankyou for your kind words, I greatly value the opinion of my guests and have taken advice from alot of sources especially more expierenced b and b owners on this forum, however I do take...[/quote]


I would certainl echo your sentiments on running a B&B, the enjoymenst are there but guests really do hav eto understand that our spare time is sancro sanct and without it, NO one would survive very long in this commerce. Thanks for you kind words on your last posts and I will add though, there is nothing better than finding another way of doing something that really works.

Over many years, we have "pinched" an awful lot of ideas off French and British CdH's over the years and no doubt those same (and other) ideas have been taken from us. What could be better, than to take the best of each place you stay at (or know of) and use it yourself in your own place.

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"...How do you manage customer expectations or do you generally find that you don't have to? Does anyone ever have to say to guests sprawled in a warm sitting room at 1130am on a rainy day: "I'm off out now - and so are you!"

Well firstly, it is a really rare experience that someone would still be in our place at that hour. If they were, well under the circumstances you describe, we would play it by ear. Do we need to go out ? Are they in the way because of something we need to do in the house ? Are we going out and cannot change it ?

The answer would simply be they are welcome to stay in if we have no pressing need to go out but if we do have to and we have no choice but to both leave the house, then we would aplogise profusely and explain why they have to leave and any person with common sense would probably leave BUT as I say, that is a very rare occurrence and one that would be difficult to recall as the huge majority have never put that scenario upon us.

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Yes, Catalpa, I agree a nice log fire in the sitting room would be lovely on a rainy day. So let’s say a guest made a reservation for three nights in a B&B and a storm moved in on the second day. Would the innkeeper rather have that guest lounging in the lounge, or check out so they can stay at a hotel? Hum...

“Running a b and B is very hard work and you need your privacy and a few hrs off sometimes, I personally love the job however I do wish that people who book into a bed and breakfast understand the full meaning of the word  Chambres d'hotes,”

Lizzy, it does indeed sound like you are an excellent innkeeper and that is partly because you love your work. But maybe you hit the nail on the head when you said you wished people fully understood the difference between a B&B and a hotel. I realize that B&B’s have been around forever in the UK but perhaps younger travellers aren’t up to speed on the expectations, and older travellers are too old to remember! (smile) Certainly American guests will not be aware of the difference, so I guess they will need to be told, or the expectations need to be adjusted. Otherwise, it just creates frustration.

I stated before, I’m completely in the dark when it comes to running a lodging business in France. That I admit. But I have owned

(and still do) a very successful 24 room inn for over 25 years in another country. We have a solid nine month season with five months running over 95%, so I fully appreciate the need for down time. Believe me, I understand.

I’m not too sure that your analogy of a student nurse is akin to a guest. Plus, I’m sorry, I never meant to imply that a guest should dictate how a business should run. It’s just that guest offer a perspective that an innkeeper can be too busy to notice. In my mind, some of our best policies and decisions have been based on customer input, and our experiences of being a guest. We travel for at least two months each year as a way to keep in touch, and keep fresh.

The concept of innkeepers needing to work such long and ridiculous hours in France needs some serious revisiting. I have tremendous respect for those of you who do it, but I can't help but wonder if it couldn't be done differently.
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"...I do not have another income, and as said earlier, it would of been a mistake originally to buy a property too large that would require needing guaranteed business income. People have a choice to cut the cloth to suite their needs and live with that descision."

Didn't see this one sunnyd.

Come on get real, you will have no chance whatsoever of making a living just doing CdH and with only two bedrooms and unless it is in position one, it will not even get half close to what one needs to survive, so who is kidding who here ?

You can cut the cloth to the underpants but you still will end up with nothing like the money required to live, eat and pay all the bills required. We need all five to have aliving that gives us the living we deserve for the amount of graft we put in but that's only half the story. We have to ensure that our place is found in guide books, on the net and in general advertising in mags and other smaller journals etc. That latter part, is as vital to anyone with a CdH from one to six, advertisng is the life line of ALL businesses, whatever their size or commerce.

Come on, the info you have given tells anyone in the business that without another income you have no chance of surviving, so please, do not underline other people's intelligence.

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What are we comparing dewima. Shall we start comparing basic Inns to say the Negresco in Nice.  At some point we all have to accept that there are many forms of lodging available to the public. We do (or don't) do our research, decide what we can afford and take our choice. If I went to an Ibis and expected Negresco treatment I am sure that in spite of my foolishness I would feel deceived and disappointed.

France has it's traditions of certain types of accomodation. As it happens the CdeH is one of them. Familial and intimate eating with the family. Not for everyone, but that is what it is. Not quite what brits call a BandB but France's own version.

Maybe there is a space in the market for something else, who knows, what I do know is that I have never not been able to find the sort of thing I am looking for. And I know that if I expect extra service, like there being staff available I would have to pay. Employing staff is expensive in France, not only the pay but huge social charges.

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[quote]What are we comparing dewima. Shall we start comparing basic Inns to say the Negresco in Nice. At some point we all have to accept that there are many forms of lodging available to the public. We do ...[/quote]

If I state I have no other income, it means exactly that, I HAVE NO OTHER INCOME. You will choose to believe what you will and see what you want to see within my comments.

For your info, and you have no right to question, the current property is a new one, 2 months in and in a different department (historical Town cente, 300 yds from the tourist office ;-) and our ideal), hence, just starting again.

An example that you may well understand, please try hard ;-) - If I had bought a property with 8 bedroom, to let 5, how much would it have cost me in a great location? 7-800,000 Euros -more + the upkeep? Instead, I CHOSE to buy a smaller one, in the same said great location for under 100,000 ready to go, right place right time, Hoorah...........Brilliant business savvy. I still have all of the left over monies earning interest, I do not have work myself silly to recoup. That is cutting your cloth, everyones choice as said afore.

If you are happy at home, with your partner etc etcas I am, you really do not miss socialising with people that you have nothing in common with except being a local expat, we choose our own company and our guests. They are 99% of the time, full of life, full of excitement and certainly not bitching about Mary down the road. Sad, I dont think so by a long chalk. Of course, a new area and new french friends are in the making, they too will know the score re the working of our accommodation and they will be more than welcome to visit us anytime.


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You’re right, there are some real dogs in the 1 & 2 star hotel category but it is entirely possible to find a charmer! Charm, comfort, and good old hospitality is what it’s all about. I could care less about extra services - having a bath down the hall is just fine.

“How does one revamp the CdH business in Francefor goodness sake, when there is certainly no reason to do so ?”

This was in reference to the long hours, not the financial success of a business.


"Maybe there is a space in the market for something else, who knows, what I do know is that I have never not been able to find the sort of thing I am looking for."

What exactly are you looking for?

“And I know that if I expect extra service, like there being staff available I would have to pay. Employing staff is expensive in France, not only the pay but huge social charges.”

This is something I completely agree with! The truth is that even at many 4 star properties they can often be short handed. We experienced this several times this past summer. I’m amazed at some of the service glitches that they’re able to get away with!
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"....If I state I have no other income, it means exactly that, I HAVE NO OTHER INCOME. You will choose to believe what you will and see what you want to see within my comments"

Well I am sure you cannot be quite as stupid as you are coming across on this, you will not answer any of the questions posed and it is now becoming obvious to me, you are just playing at B&B with two bedrooms and you came on here in the beginning telling us all, how we should be running our places.

For one thing, you will not say if you are registered, if not, how are you getting your health cover ? All this should be paid for and, out of two bedrooms, it will be more than difficult, so I say again, the only other route, will be getting FREE (or almost free) health cover for you and your partner. That’s a good business example is it not ?

“… Instead, I CHOSE to buy a smaller one, in the same said great location for under 100,000 ready to go, right place right time, Hoorah”

A new place for under 100,000€ and ready to go in the right place and recently bought…..Am I alone in wondering where this utopian place could be ? There are only piles of stones around here for that. Sorry but to me, the story gets even stranger by each post. To buy something for that money, all done and dusted and ready to open to make a living in France, to my mind, does not exist but here is the part that I was on about of being stupid :

“Brilliant business savvy. I still have all of the left over monies earning interest, I do not have work myself silly to recoup. That is cutting your cloth, everyones choice as said afore.”

I cannot be alone in reading that part and shaking my head, can I ?

You have money’s left earning money (i.e income and declarable income) you have capital to back up the lack of annual funds, do you not see it ? You cannot solely run two bedrooms and make a living in France, you said you could and now….oh yes, you then go on (finally) to state "we have capitol and earn interest off it"…..why try and take people for fools ?

That’s not cutting your cloth, that’s knowing you have a safety net should you need any extra money and anyone who has ever done CdH, will know you will need to use it ! THAT’s another income for goodness sake !

"....They are 99% of the time, full of life, full of excitement and certainly not bitching about Mary down the road. Sad, I dont think so by a long chalk. Of course, a new area and new french friends are in the making, they too will know the score re the working of our accommodation and they will be more than welcome to visit us anytime"

What is even sadder, is to try and talk of a 99% occupancy rate, considering you have only just opened. Don’t take us other CdH peolpe for idiots, that kind of occupancy rate over the year or even a season is simply not able to be done, especially in a place that sells houses for the kind of money you paid. Good room occupancy needs to be in an area that people want to be (namely tourists) thus it will be for the greater part, an attractive area, thereby making the prices of places in that area, relative to that equation. NOT sorry to say in an area that one can buy a ready to trade place for 100,00€

You have lectured us on how who we should be running our places and it is clear, well at least to me, that you really are just a small place offering advice on other places you would not really have any idea on how to run.....

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You’re right, there are some real dogs in the 1 & 2 star hotel category but it is entirely possible to find a charmer!

I like the exclamation mark dewima !! Yes it is difficult isn't it !

Charm, comfort, and good old hospitality is what it’s all about.

I agree and that is where CdH should be offering and to be hoonst of course some people will let it all down but in general, I would trust a good CdH more than aone or two star hotel, although bith should at l;east be able to offer a decent bed, bathroom and welcoming patrons, it is just that some of the 1 star hotels have been getting rather tired affairs over a long spell.

"This was in reference to the long hours, not the financial success of a business."

Yes but that is why certain hours must be held as vital to one having a well earned rest and indeed going out for a while to get away from the commerce.

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[quote]You’re right, there are some real dogs in the 1 & 2 star hotel category but it is entirely possible to find a charmer! I like the exclamation mark dewima !! Yes it is difficult isn't it !Charm, comfor...[/quote]

Miki..........You really are going overboard about my own personal views, and to give an answer, in the same manner as your own, what are you worried about? There must be something for you read what you like into others views.

I have never said at any time how anyone SHOULD run their ownbusiness, purely how I see things. If I have never said "You should be doing this" as you have, or, "You cannot do that" or "You are violating the codes", if I have please quote them contextually correctly. You on the other hand, are directly telling me what I can, cannot and should be doing.

I am not here to try and drum up business by posting my website url at every given chance, I do not need to, it is already Google, Yahoo, MSN etc etc No1 for my particular search terms. I have never needed to advertise on a major site competing against hundreds of properties (creating and promoting websites WAS my business in the UK).

The hosile response to personal views, that were not orders, as you see want to interpret them as, shows me that I am right not to post my website URL here ever, because there would obviously be something wrong with that too.

I will run my business as I see fit, you and everyone else will run theirs in the same manner, if it works for you and them, great. I doubt that I am the first to face a tirade of "Liar" etc etc from you and no doubt will not be the last.

As you should also be aware, most French Law is ambiguous, different areas require different criteria to be met. Be assured, all of mine are met for my area. In fact, the local Tourist office asked if we were with any other organisation and it did not make one jots difference to them. That may be because they are desperate for my accommodation here, if it were somewhere that has reached overkill, the need and criteria I could understand, may well be different.

I enjoy what I am doing, am not stressed and really do have very happy guests, the latter being THE most important factor.

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Fair enough - no URL - but what about a hint as to the region or the search terms you're number 1 on........ You posts have been pretty hostile to people who have been open and whose posts have been a real help to me in the past - and my curiosity is really peaked now

you've 2 rooms

a new(ish) property

you're close to a tourist office whicjh implies a town.... what region it's just I need this when I run a search and your profile is completely blank and you only joined on 25th October so no clues there either

Yours - a very curious ejc

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I am not worried about you in the slightest, what does concern me is how nothing seems to ring true, you say one thing one minute, then move the goalposts and say something completely contradictory to what you have already said. As now, you have been told you did have other income after denying it all along but it is blatantly obvious now, that was completely untrue.

"....You on the other hand, are directly telling me what I can, cannot and should be doing"

And please point out where that is ?

"...The hosile response to personal views, that were not orders, as you see want to interpret them as, shows me that I am right not to post my website URL here ever, because there would obviously be something wrong with that too"

As I said, you did come on and tell us all how and what we should be doing for our guests and when some of us said we werte not happy to do it like that, we were wrong as you worked in PR and knew how it should be done, please rmember that at least.

"I doubt that I am the first to face a tirade of "Liar" etc etc from you and no doubt will not be the last"

If I were you, I would ghardly defend the times you have chosen to change your story, you can'yt have it all ways. You either stick with the true story and not keep chnaging tack or face being queried surely ? I really think it would have been far better for you to have come on here and asked for advice and perhaps offered some good advice back but, you simply came on the forum to tell us how some of were not treating guests in the correct manner, as said before.

Lucky for you I guess tyhat in an area so abounding with tourists an dpotential guests your Tourism office did not require evidence that your CdH was acceptable to visiting guests, after all, iany bad ones will reflect on them but you would have no comebacks from any organisation. I find that quite bizarre but......If they are desperate for accommodation that would certainly suggest either a place without many places, thus no real demand, so prices of properties would be low or on the other hand, a very busy place and thus the houses wouild be far dearer than whay you have paid, sorry but again, something is wrong here!

"I enjoy what I am doing, am not stressed and really do have very happy guests, the latter being THE most important factor"

And none of us have happy guests then, best pack the game in I spose !!!

Be interesting Ejc to see if you get an answer ? Surely sunnyd, it would help you to get some feedback on your site, I know the rest of us have looked at each others places and often had some good advice given, we even have our own site, kindly donated by Arnold, where most of us can be found but as that was your game before (IT) then you will know you have got it bang on I guess.

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[quote]Iam not worried about you in the sligtest, waht doe sconcern me is how nothing seems to ring true, you say one thong one minute, then move the goalposts and say something completely contradictory to w...[/quote]

"" Be interesting Ejc to see if you get an answer ? Surely sunnyd, it would help you to get some feedback on your site, I know the rest of us have looked at each others places and often had some good advice given, we even have our own site, kindly donated by Arnold, where most of us can be found but as that was your game before (IT) then you will know you have got it bang on I guess. ""

The conceit of it all! Believe me, as stated before, that was my previous job in the UK, you now want me to let you tell me how to do it, come on........Shot and foot come to mind

As you well know and cannot put here in print, I have never told anyone how to run there business, purely pointed out my "Personal" opinion on what I do.

Again you cannot or will not believe tha FACT, that I am in a great tourist village, with not one other accommodation within it. There are pleanty of gites with pools on the periphery but the majority I find, do not want to spend that amount of money to utilise only a small part of it. The property was very inexpensive as stated (Under 100,000 Euros) and needed hardly any work, yet still you cannot believe that either. Some people can still grab a bargain you know,again, as said before, right place right time.

Words now fail me at the ineptitude to accept anothers word and to accuse them of lying point blank. Get on and get over it, some people do it differently, have dfferent views and it works just great

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Come on Sunnyd!!!

We have all been open with our details and websites are you ashamed of yours? Or if its so good we may all want to pack up and get B and B s there!

If it is so good and wonderful and the area so brillant why are you not proud to show it off! I cetrainly would be

God you must have wonderful keywords, please tell us them to be No1 in google etc or you must be paying a fortune in ad words.

You must advice us on where we are going wrong, I've been running for years and can only manage No9 on google

I'm beginning to think you may have  dug yourself a hole and fallen in it!

If not be open like the rest of us and make us eat our Words!

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errmm, could you all move on to another subject as this is becoming long, tedious and boring.

O.K. I don't run a B&B or hotel so perhaps I will just opt not to read more until everyone finds something more interesting to discuss.


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[quote]Come on Sunnyd!!! We have all been open with our details and websites are you ashamed of yours? Or if its so good we may all want to pack up and get B and B s there! If it is so good and wonderful a...[/quote]

Hi Lizzy H,

Sorry, but as you will be well aware, trade secrets do not come under the loosly used "Honesty" lablel in the real world. Many years of hard work have led to my knowledge, it cannot be parted with that easily. I would never stoop low enough to pay for any paid inclusions, my money is valuable to me, you do not have and cow and go out and buy milk!

There is far more to website promotion and optimisation than just keywords. I know that is why others choose to go via a large advertising website, fighting for customers out of many hundreds. I would offer to look over your website and give advice, but, as you will be aware on this forum, someone would tell you that "I cannot legally" do that without a registered business!

I really do not see why you view me as being in a hole of some kind, if you think also that I have "lied" (unless you knew all about me, I assume that frustration of others success would bring that analogy out) or told others how they should run their businesses, again, please quote me exactly in context.

The weather is brilliant here again today and the guests are out signing the "compromise" for their new French property they viewed yesterday.

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[quote]errmm, could you all move on to another subject as this is becoming long, tedious and boring. O.K. I don't run a B&B or hotel so perhaps I will just opt not to read more until everyone finds som...[/quote]

Come on Gill, you have been polite in the past and your post really is not very fair.

We are "discussing" something close to our hearts here and of course it won't mean a lot to you, so as ever, one has to say, start something your self if you want to read something interesting but I bet you wouldn't like someone to offer that as an opinion to your thread ? or, as you rightly say, opt not to read this one any more.

All it can lead to, is other members saying just awful some posts are but offering nothing towards it. What doesn't suit you, might suit others and vice versa, so to offer your "thoughts" about something by your own admission that had nowt to interest you is not fair to those that do see it as interesting.

So all in all Gill, a pretty pointless post, unless you plan on becoming a post Marshall !

It will come down to something if whenever a thread has stared, we all jumped in and stated whether we were interested or bored by it ! I can think of quite a few I would give a swerve to and post like you about how boring it is but........

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Once again sunnyd, no answers and nothing to back up your claims. I know what we call people like that.................

OK, assume we are all doing no good then and, we are all totally jealous of someone with a 99% rate occupancy, so please help us to find the way to fill all our humble abodes to that percentage. What could me more generous than to help fellow members of LF ?

And why not help fully, all those persons that are far enough away from your place and offer no competition to you ? I know I most certainly would and I hope that I have helped people on here and elsewhere, after all, isn't that what life is about ?

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>>>Words now fail me at the ineptitude to accept another's word and to accuse them of lying point blank. Get on and get over it, some people do it differently, have different views and it works just great <<<

Well, I have a question, at one stage you mentioned that your previous role involved dealing with the public (if it doesn't say that it was certainly the inference I took) Now you say you were a web site designer. Does that mean that you consider dealing with clients to be dealing with the public ?

You have 2 rooms in which you offer B&B only, but you feel free to judge people who have more rooms, offer b&b plus an evening meal and in some cases have bought up their families solely on the proceeds, but you are worried that they may steal some of your trade secrets ?


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[quote]Once again sunnyd, no answers and nothing to back up your claims. I know what we call people like that.................OK, assume we are all doing no good then and, we are all totally jealous of someo...[/quote]

What backing of the truth, what makes you think that you even have the right to ask for such a thing? None, my word is my bond, trite but take it as read or disbelieve and accuse of being a liar as you obviously will......

"OK, assume we are all doing no good then and, we are all totally jealous of someone with a 99% rate occupancy, so please help us to find the way to fill all our humble abodes to that percentage."

You are doing everything correctly anyway...........or have I stupidly missunderstood all of your remarks and accusations

"What could me more generous than to help fellow members of LF ?"......

Maybe you should of thought of this in your responses to my honest comments and this total farce of a thread could have taken a completely different route for all.

I joined here to give comments as well as take them, not to be questioned and constantly branded as a liar. Please go back to my previous responses asking you to quote my telling everyone and anyone how to run their businesses, as yet you havent cared to back up such accusations

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[quote]>>>Words now fail me at the ineptitude to accept another's word and to accuse them of lying point blank. Get on and get over it, some people do it differently, have different views and it works just g...[/quote]

Gay, please re read the thread, what comments have I made that have "Judged" anyone? Again, I have told how I run things, never once have I "Told" anyone they "should" be doing the same.

Yes, I did work in website promotion and optimisation, successfully, previously I worked for 20 years on a reatail shop floor business, which was my own business. If that does not convince you of my people experience, maybe a letter from my Parents may help?

I have no worries about competitors or anyone stealing as you put it (people walk with their feet at all times). What I am not prepared to do is give out information that can be applied to promote any business or company, careless of what type. Its a little naieve to think or even ask someone to do that in all honesty. But, if someone contacted me privately, I would see if there were glaring problems with their website, that though would not include any detailed remedies per say.......

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OK sunnyd, I will admit that I don’t want or need any help from you.

So now I am asking you to help others who may well need your help. Tell me where you are and I will tell only those hours away from you that help can be given from sunnyd, or are you as conceited and arrogant as you come across and no one will get your help but in another breath claim to have a retail shop where I guess a sunny and helpful outgoing would be the most required ingredient ?. The reason I accuse you of being economical with the truth is the overwhelming evidence of you changing your mind about several things you have posted on here, it’s that simple.

Miki "…What could me more generous than to help fellow members of LF ?"......

Sunnyd “…..Maybe you should of thought of this in your responses to my honest comments and this total farce of a thread could have taken a completely different route for all.

Oh, so we must be punished now, we spoke terribly to an arrogant top B&B owner and now, we must go on RMI and wander the streets as paupers forever more…..help is not at hand, oh dearie dearie moi !

“….Yes, I did work in website promotion and optimisation, successfully, previously I worked for 20 years on a reatail shop floor business, which was my own business. If that does not convince you of my people experience, maybe a letter from my Parents may help?”

Yep, that will do but it won’t prove you know how to run a B&B unless Daddy can fiddle one of them as well !!

“I have no worries about competitors or anyone stealing as you put it (people walk with their feet at all times). What I am nort prepared to do is give out information that can be applied to promote any business or company, careless of what type. Its a little naieve to think or even ask someone to do that in all honesty.”

What even if they are nowhere near you ? now that is pathetic and childish, don’t have to give them all the tips but some simple or even computer help might not go amiss. All on here would not think twice about assisting each other, as long as one of course, was not in the immediate vicinity. Your attitude is absolutely characteristic of a selfish child who want to keep all the sweeties for themselves but will nick all they can off others.Eh !!! I see you have changed your post to say you will help a bit now if people want you to look at their site, why can't we then see yours then, or is it one way traffic here !!

What help have you offered us by the way ? Because that is why you came on here, wasn't it?

Arnold I hope you are not taking notice of this and thinking of not now giving a helping hand to us poor peeps and take us all off your site, lest we nick all your trade !!

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[quote]OK sunnyd, I will admit that I don’t want or need any help from you.So now I am asking you to help others who may well need your help. Tell me where you are and I will tell only those hours away from ...[/quote]

Now I am childish as well as a liar and whatever else you have already branded me on here. You, thus far have managed to bludgeon a new members honesty, business skils etc etc and told me what I can and cannot do with my business and available earned skills.

So I am supposed to just take it on the chin and offer you advice free gratis after all of the above and mores abuse hurling. Get real, thats not childish, think again about your actions and accusations in a public place (which believe me (once at least), that is still seen as slander).

At this point again I will echo my last obviously childish and unhelpful offer " if someone contacted me privately, I would see if there were glaring problems with their website, that though would not include any detailed remedies per say "

Your comments re internet and website help does show that you know very little about this particular side of promotion. It is nothing to do with any competition, as I have already clearly stated once. It is a practice that can be applied to any business therefore any given help at all is beneficial to not only accommodation owners. That is why it costs so much to have the job done by any proffessional, even then, they would do the work for you or recommend what to do but not tell you exactly the reasons and logic behing it for you to apply it elsewhere.

Once again, third or fourth time of asking-

" I joined here to give comments as well as take them, not to be questioned and constantly branded as a liar. " 

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