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Nigerian accomodation scam

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A friend of mine owns a very good B&B in the Charente, and had the following enquiry sent to her;
I am Mr Jeffer Mindo of Brighthall(coral) Agency,London .I need to book
reservation for a christian organisation from London coming for a
Christian summit on the 10th of DEC to the 20th of DEC. Get back to me if
the dates mentioned above are free,so that we can book reservations
immediately.Thank you and have a nice day.

Kind Regards,
Jeffer Mindo
He then follows up with a reply to a further response with;
Thanks for your reply and assistance so far .I am glad to tell you
that we have concluded payment with the delegates.

However, we are going to send you the Credit Card Information first
thing tomorrow morning that will cover the cost of your accommodation,
and the necessary arrangement for the delegates.

Moreover, we also made an arrangement with a pre paid car-hiring
firm who will supply the delegates with cars they will use during their
stay, but because of security reasons and confidentiality, we have decided that only one person will have to handle the credit card information.

So once you are in receipt of it, you are required to charge the
credit card, confirm the amount of (6,000 EURO), in your account then deduct the cost of your services 3,050 EURO and send 2,950 EURO via Money Gram Transfer, to the car hiring agent whose information will be forwarded to you once this is confirmed.

So confirm this and provide me with your (1) YOUR FULL NAME (2)
ADDRESS (3) PHONE NUMBERS for office records.

Please remember that the integrity of our agency is involved, so
this business requires prompt response. I also hope the stay of the
delegates will be made comfortable.

Kind Regards,
Jeffer Mindo

This has turned out to to be a scam, the organisation does not exist, and the email comes from Nigeria.

Thanks to the Technical support people at BNB Choices ( www.bnbchoices.com ) our friend has not been caught up in this and they have have advised her;

"That it's a typical Nigerian email and scam, not to respond and to avoid all contact now with these people.

If your web site is able to accept PHP code and a MySQL database, then you might want to consider using a site we've recently launched called www.nigerian-ip-addresses.com.

This web site provides a service which will block more than 110,000 known IP addresses from Nigeria. As a result, Nigerians that use one of these IP addresses won't be able to use your web site thus preventing such a problem.

Hope this helps other in a similar position
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This is a very popular scam and has been doing the rounds for about two years. There are two threads on this forum about this. Another version is in the format of a email from another B&B somewhere else forwarding this type of offer. They are very clever as the B&B from which the email is suposidly sent actually exists, they just pick addresses of the web at random.

The best way I have found is to send them a PayPal invoice for something like three times the actual amount you would charge, you never hear from them again and you just cancel the invoice at a later date. I normally find that the email address I sent the invoice to bounces when the cancelation is sent.

Another one is to pay you with mobile phones sent by DHL. They send you to many, they send you the waybill by email and ask you to send them the financial difference back. Honestly you would think we were all born yesterday.

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[quote]This is a very popular scam and has been doing the rounds for about two years. There are two threads on this forum about this. Another version is in the format of a email from another B&B somewher...[/quote]

Quote [Quillan]: There are two threads on this forum about this

Actually three.

Quote [Quillan]: Honestly you would think we were all born yesterday.

You need to be careful making comments like this. I made a similar comment in a thread (same topic, different forum area) and an being told that I should “shut-up” and getting comments like Oh how wonderful it must be to be so terribly clever !

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See they were right, you are very clever, spotting the third thread .

You probably are more clever than some yet less clever than others. My problem is that I am more clever than most and less clever than very few. I tend to think of myself as the John Cleese caracter in the Two Ronnies sktch about upper, middle and lower class's.

I have had my fun for the day so I better go before I get a right slagging off from somebody.

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You need to read more in to posts deimos, you think you are clever ! but you did not even spot that Chris was simply being ironic before and you, who could never be conned eh, did not spot Chris's simple to spot gag....... tut tut

See how easy it is...............

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[quote]You need to read more in to posts deimos, you think you are clever ! but you did not even spot that Chris was simply being ironic before and you, who could never be conned eh, did not spot Chris's sim...[/quote]

Miki, please “get of my back”. I do not like this “attack mode” you seem to be in (I’ve seen you do it to others and its not particularly nice).

Up to now I have tried not argued back at you but you are becoming tiresome. Fine, you don’t like me. So what – ignore my posts. There are probably other people you don’t like as well (I can think of one or two others on the forum you regularly “have a go at”). There are people I like and people I don’t, etc. Its part of life but please give up hounding me as it is probably dull for the rest of those in the forum.

I will give up on this thread now. Apologies for responding directly and personally (which is probably against forum code of conduct), but I’m trying to draw this to a close


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A little bit touchy Ian ?

I am certainly NOT on your back but simply replying to your posts. There is no attack, just as I said, replies to your replies, think you are getting a little paranoid old chap.

"..Up to now I have tried not argued back at you but you are becoming tiresome"

Mmmm but I seem to think we are equal posts and you have taken your shots at me and, don't forget it was not I, not by a long way, that started this up now was it? You seem to have completely forgotten what a bigot you were and have since making that statement, preferred to try and sweep it briskly under the carpet and have whinged like a big kid for the last 24 hours or so !

Now you are pathetically accusing me of hounding you, who the heck do you think you are, you are not anywhere near that important to me, not by a long way. I have replied only to your posts and so I could just as easily say stop replying to me but I don't quite honestly give a monkeys.

All I know is, this started with you, thinking it was clever to have a pop at someone who was obviously worried about a scam and you told them that they had no savvy. Since that post a few of us have taken umbrage but good old Ian sees it as OK and prefers to stay on the offensive and to continue to think that taking a pop at people, possibly not as intelligent as him,is fair play.

Well I don't think that is right, that's all, never think you are important enough for me to hound, and to make it equal, I don't kid myself that I am worth it either.

I find you rather distasteful to be honest, you have shown no regrets at taking a nasty pop at that person who was rather worried about the scam and indeed, you have done nothing but whinge since and now say that I am hounding you, throw yer dummy away and don't be so childish.

Another thing, I have asked you umpteen Q,s and not one has been answered, a case of sidestepping I guess. You didn't like people on the other place and whined, so I am not surprised you are at it again. And to then bring up others who I may have had disgreements with, is just plain infantile. What are you the tree fairy who has never had a cross word with anyone....Sorry I forgot how you fled the other place................

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