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Taxes foncieres and taxe ordures menageres

Alan Zoff

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I have just received my 2020 bill for taxes foncieres and I notice for the first time that it includes a charge for ordures menageres. Previously, I have always received separate demands for the latter and paid them directly to the local treasury office as instructed.

Have I missed some change in procedure or should I challenge the bill? I don't even have a refuse bin for collection and I take all our rubbish myself to the village collection point or to the nearest dechetterie.

Were I not deaf, I would telephone them but I thought someone on here might have a quick answer.

Thanks in anticipation.
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Our ordures manageres bill has always been included in the TF and we also take our rubbish to a communal bin but there is such a bin just beyond our garden boundaries (not visible from our property and OH push it far enough away so that we don't get any smell!)

However, TF bill has gone up 6.5%.  Don't know if that is more or less universal?

Sorry not much help in answering your question, AZ.

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Mine is as before but that may be different from Commune to commune

Taxes sur les ordures ménagères : quels montants ?

Montant de la TEOM

Si le dispositif qui s’applique à votre commune est la TEOM, vous trouverez la somme due sur votre avis d’imposition de taxe foncière. Vous devrez donc vous acquitter de la somme demandée auprès de l’administration fiscale.

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A tip you may well be aware of:
If you send a message on the internal message service in your espace particulier on the impots.gouv.fr site it tends to get a quicker and more prescise reply.
It can be a bit fiddly as you have to go carefully though a list of exactly which impot you want to ask about...

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Alan Zoff wrote the following post at 26 Sep 2020 17:49:

I don't even have a refuse bin for collection and I take all our rubbish myself to the village collection point or to the nearest dechetterie.

I think that is pretty general in France .. I have never known a place which had an actual rubbish collection from home as in the UK .. so I should be interested to know it if this exists anywhere in France ?

Edit : Our Fonc bill has always included the rubbish bill too ..
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All sorted promptly by the tax office. A breakdown in communication after our commune was brought into line with the national trend concerning the payment for refuse collection.

I think they might also be phasing out collection from individual refuse bins in the village, having provided an additional public "point propre".
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I queried this charge some years ago as we take all our rubbish to either local recycling points or to a bin at the end of our lane some 2-300m away and was told it was to pay for the recycling centres and not for a personal collection service like in the UK.
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It depends on the local system as well.

Our bin is weighed. We get an annual weight allowance for household waste and 12 collections a year. Over the weight limit or more frequent collections are an additional cost. Recyclables except for glass are collected separately without any extra charge.

So a very individual separate bill per household.
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