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Wanted B+B/Gite business in 24,46,47


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A colleague just told me about your request and suggested I contact you as I have a few props on my website which might suit you.  Call me on 00335 53 61 91 89 if you are still searching and we can discuss this.

Good luck and Happy New Year



T/F as above

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have a Gite/B&B business for sale near Les Eyzies in the Dordogne, lots of potential to expand. 189,000 euros for private sale. www.stellas-dordogne.com  our website still under construction but details and pics on there. Good earning potential for the right couple as income generated out of season.

feel free to e-mail me for more info, graham.lindsay@club-internet.fr



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Katrina,


I work with an estate agent based in the Lot region of France(46); Patrick is French and has lived in this area for many years; I am English and work as a translator for him and accompany English buyers to view property.  We currently have several Properties that may be of interest to you.  We specialise in houses made of stone in the typical style of the region, and may have something of interest to you.

Please contact me with an idea of exactly what you are looking for, and I will send you photos of what is available.




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I now know of 5 gite complexes in the 24 area around St Cyprien/Mayrals/Les Eysies area for sale - and 4 of them are for sale because the owners are saying that making a living from them is getting too hard or they are just generally fed up with the whole thing.

Sizes of complexes range from the relatively small to the very large.

Sounds like a good time NOT to be buying into them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

can i make it clear that Tony F is not speaking for me as a "gite B&B" owner near Les Eyzies, with a "place for sale".

someone is always making out that there's more to it than meets the eye when a gite business is put up for sale....as in the constant cries of "saturated market" etc etc.  On the contrary, we are selling up for a number of reasons

(1) we are (slightly) fed up with the kind of Brits we have encountered since our move to the Dordogne.  not all of em...but some of our fellow Brits leave a lot to be desired,  and of course being in our thirties perhaps we are not of the same generation as these grey haired ex-pats !!

(2) we want a new challenge 

(3)  we have relatives back in the UK who we miss and cannot visit us due to illness and  family circumstances.  That old chestnut, well its true, my partners very close to her sister and the three young kids, and she very much misses them growing up etc. 

3 of many reasons we have decided to sell up here in Dordogne, 

on the other hand we will miss many things and have a great fondness for the place and the people (apart from those listed in no1 above)

and of the friends we have that also run gites and B&B's we would say that they have not had particular problems earning a living from it,  hard work sometimes yes...but they would say well worth it for the benefits of "living the life".

We are just selling our property, its not rats leaving the sinking ship as the previous post seems to be making out.



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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]

I now know of 5 gite complexes in the 24 area around St Cyprien/Mayrals/Les Eysies area for sale - and 4 of them are for sale because the owners are saying that making a living from them is getting too hard or they are just generally fed up with the whole thing.

Sizes of complexes range from the relatively small to the very large.

Sounds like a good time NOT to be buying into them!



Come on Tony F, don't make comments and then hide behind that  "jumping to conclusions" line.

I put a post mentioning Les Eyzies area, and then you respond with "I now know ...etc !"

it is stressful enough trying to sell and plan a return to the Uk, without armchair commentators like you adding your bit.

your post certainly made a reference to my property...and even if you want to deny that, your last line is well out of order, coming in a post where someone expresses an interest in purchasing a gite business.

oh and perhaps you could learn to spell the name of the places that you live nearby.

its Meyrals and Les Eyzies !!




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[quote user="Tony F Dordogne"]Blimey, talk about jumping to conclusions - I wasn't talking about you at all, but was referring to the other 4, the owners of which I know and all have told me the same things.[/quote]


So i was included then as the 5th owner  !!

and i see that in your first post you mention that a friend of yours has a gite business for sale in the area,

and then a few posts on you are trying to put people off with comments  such as  "looks like its not a good time to buy"


glad you're not a friend of mine Tony !!!

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hi grays ,just had a look at your place and think its cheap as chips,only a suggestion but why not put it up with a load of french agents just as a house not a b and b, theres some real rubish on the market at the moment you might have a extra chance that way,bon chance

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Thanks Hardhat,

its a fact, i have just asked a french agent to market it for me, and he wants to put the price up, just a little, and sell it as just a home.

i think we just like to think that we have built up a bit of a business and would like it to continue as such.


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Hi Grays, you've had to make a difficult decision but the thing is you do whats best for yourselves. I understand fully how easy it is to get fed up with people in this business. Were those Brits pain-in-the-neck guests or those pretentious local types?. I've encountered both. Family must come first and, I'm afraid, there are those who look with disdain on people who get jack of this country and go home. As if France is supposed to be Utopia and you're a failure/incompetant if you want to leave. Maybe you have them living around you. Sometimes there's just no place like home! I often wish I could 'go home' more often myself.   
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Gosh Grays, I agree with Hardhat. It looks really good for that price. I too would be tempted to sell it as a home and not a gite. I would think you would have a much broader market and it looks as if it would make a lovely home and on a river as well. Best of luck.  Let us know how you get on.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just to clarify  my point about "being fed up with some of my fellow Brits"


yes i was talking about both of the following.

1. Paying guests who want it all...dishwashers etc etc, yet claim to want a simple peaceful holiday away from all that . 

2. The ex-pats who in a similar vein to the above,  import that "keeping up with the Jones's" culture to rural France, look down their noses at the way that many working people "live" in France,  AND !!  have gradually had there way with not speaking the language and have forced many of the local businesses to become bi-lingual...where the ex-pats have not .

perhaps a bitter twisted view of the hordes, but it's enough to make myself and partner want to get away from them for a good while, before one of us ends up losing it and screaming at one of these fellow countrymen/women.





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[quote user="Grays"]

Just to clarify  my point about "being fed up with some of my fellow Brits"


yes i was talking about both of the following.

1. Paying guests who want it all...dishwashers etc etc, yet claim to want a simple peaceful holiday away from all that . 

2. The ex-pats who in a similar vein to the above,  import that "keeping up with the Jones's" culture to rural France, look down their noses at the way that many working people "live" in France,  AND !!  have gradually had there way with not speaking the language and have forced many of the local businesses to become bi-lingual...where the ex-pats have not .

perhaps a bitter twisted view of the hordes, but it's enough to make myself and partner want to get away from them for a good while, before one of us ends up losing it and screaming at one of these fellow countrymen/women.

Grays [/quote]

There are also the hordes working on the black and the know it all second home owners who always think everything should be cheaper for them. I agree totally with your comments. The sad reality is that the only reason I may leave France is because of the behaviour/attitude of some of my fellow countrymen.

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“have forced many of the local businesses to become bi-lingual”

Whilst I understand your sentiments about ex-pat behaviour I find the simplest solution is to avoid them as far as possible.

I am not sure of forcing the French to be bi-lingual, well not where I live anyway. My personal experience of my locals is that you can’t force them to do anything they don’t want to do.

There are two maries locally that are offering sponsored English to French and French to English courses, the latter costs a lot less because money is scarce. Many of the enterprises and shops have people attend the course to learn or improve their English. In fact totally bi-lingual French people get paid more for working in shops round here, they are a sort after asset.

This subject was bought up recently at a meeting I attended and the reason for the uptake appears to be because these enterprises and shops can generate a higher income by having English speaking staff. Now note I said higher, its not keeping the same level of sales its increasing them. If there were no English about (or Belgians in my area as they outnumber us) then their sales would have stayed the same. Business is business the world over and if you have the edge you get the sales.

I also agree with LF about them working on the black, I think it's very bad when doing things legally (I mean registering) costs so much. You 'play the white man' get registered pay your dues only to get shafted by some idiot who gayly goes around not paying a bean, ripping people off and diaspearing in to the night. But then there is another side to this as well in as much as those that employ these people are equally as bad and it's always a pleasure to see somebody penalised for doing this. I think that being sactamonious on this matter is not a bad thing. There are one or two on this forum who have done it 'right' and have been undercut by fellow countrymen working on the black which has resulted in them having to leave France or at least think about it. The really sad thing is the ex-pats working on the black are in the majority of occassions the ones that complain about people coming to the UK and doing the same.

Still we have had many a thread on this subject in the past and most of the people here on this forum appear to find those working on the black repellant so I don't think there is any need for me to continue.

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