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Complete France Forum

Usolicited approaches by Agents

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I have a property advertised in a couple of local monthly circulars/newsletters, with a (disposable) email address as our contact.

I have become used to a trickle of replies to this account from french websites and immobiliers offering to list the property, which are harmless enough, and at least show some initiative from a pretty inert bunch.

But yesterday I received one from easy-property-sale.com which is an amazingly philanthropic outfit. I have deliberately not posted an active link, but I typed it into my browser and had no problems.

Not only do they not charge any fees to sellers, they offer them £100 per week if they don’t sell a property within 12 weeks, PLUS their buyers get their Legal Expenses, their Survey or Home Inspection, and 50% of their Moving Expenses paid.

The whole deal is so amazing I don’t know how I manage to resist it! [:D]


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[quote user="Val_2"]Is this the one based in the USA and when you read their website, their payments to you if you don't sell is in dollars not euros or sterling? This has been brought up for discussion on another forum recently.[/quote]

My firewall says it's US based. I went no further than reading the offers to sellers and to buyers. The payment you mention is quoted in sterling.

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