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You say one thing on another place and on here you say something else.

I find that pretty hypocritical to be honest. I have read posts only

recently, when you say that threads should be allowed to diversify, for

that is of course how everyones conversations go normally and now oh so very quickly, you are in with a change of mind.

This kind of thing will fizzle out on its own (the past shows it

always did) without need for recourse from Mods who will often jump in

when it is not neccessary, something you have been championing

elsewhere, is it not ! I agree this turned rather bizarrely but still

think you have intervened rather too quickly to be honest and all too

often, all it does is bring out a new diversion of "should posts be

stopped early if someone takes umbrage with another"...thereby creating

what the Mod was intending to nip in the bud !! Timing...as in many

things, is an important point !

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 Diversifying is one thing, breaking the code of conduct is quite another.

Users must not post messages which:

  • Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not

Comments or questions regarding the general administration of the forum should be made by "private message" or using the "Report" link to the moderators or direct to Forum Admin. Such comments or questions should not be posted in the open forum.


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[quote] Are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies [/quote]

But this was between us two, if we do not complain to the Mods, who

apart from us was being abused or who else were we being derogatory to

? There was no 3rd party abused, it was a difference of opinion, I

never felt insulted, she may have been rude and out of order but it

wasn't given sufficient time to fizzle out and far too heavy handed in this case.

As far as complaints through the right channels, most of us members

know that we lost good and experienced members on here due to this :

".........Comments or questions regarding the general administration of the forum

should be made by "private message" or using the "Report" link to the

moderators or direct to Forum Admin. Such comments or questions should

not be posted in the open forum."

But still it is used as a rod to say "if you don't like it, you

know what you can do".........moderating je pense pas.............The

days of debate and discussion went a while ago from here and that was

always going to be the case. Sorry I didn't PM so this may well not

stay long but talking by PM never, ever solves anything in my

experience, if a forum can't discuss matters, then surely it is not a

Forum at all.

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[quote user="myrtle"] I have lurked here for several years on and off, but last nights events have encouraged me to seek your views....
very late on saturday i took a three day booking for a family of 6, in our CdH due to arrive last evening,sunday, around teatime...they had chosen the furthest ferry route and had a 3 hour drive on both uk and french side to our normandy residence.  I was confirming the booking by email with full directions, way past my bedtime, and waited for a return receipt which came before I retired.....alls well then....?
At 4pm french time they had only just arrived at Dover so we estimated a 9pm ish arrival.  he also said he had not received my directions which were to a hotmail address needless to say, and had not bothered to bring a map of France.
Get to our nearest town and ring me again says I,   the phone rings at 10.30pm with a blase, "how are you" attitude...  they had just arrived at a city some 1 and a half hours away!!!!!!   no apologies, no excuse, just an assumption that Id wait up past midnight for them.   What would you people do??    We are NOT a Hotel, just busy small farmers with 2 rooms and, so far, a very busy summer booking list.
love myrtle


I cannot be bothered to read in detail the intervening spats so here goes.

Your T&C (should) set out what you will and will not do. If you say it you should mean it and do it. If you don't mean it don't say it.

Treat others as they treat you - inconsiderates such as you describe should not be allowed to spoil your life. FOAD is a phrase worth remembering and, if necessary, using.

At present we do not offer B&B etc but may do so next year. For that reason I read most threads in this section in the hope of learning from the experiences of others.



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  • 2 weeks later...

If I may add my twopenny worth.

On my discovering this forum and then placing a post on here I got torn to shreds. On reflection is deserved it.

If someone has been monitoring this forum for a number of years then they will know that to a question posed you will get all sorts of reply - from fully supportive to fully against.

I have been doing some research and shall, after submitting this, place a question on this website. Interestingly, during my research I discovered that one of those who provides a sort of guru role now was asking questions a few years ago and Miki seemed to be providing sound advice.

Miki does seem at times to speak his mind but readily takes any brick bats thrown at him.

It is also so easy to 'type your mind' when using a computer so diplomacy rarely rules as would be the case of speaking to people. Therefore, rudeness should not be questioned and just taken as plain speaking.

Perhaps people need to consider in more depth contrary thought - it is so easy to be swept along by people saying 'I totally agree with you' that wrong decisions can be made.

If Miki should repsond to the question I am going to post I get a sharp reply then I will take note of that and reflect on it.

If anyone watches Dragons Den on the BBC where people with ideas etc look for investment from financial backers they will see the investors give some of those a very hard time - however, if those people reflect on some of the sharp comments then they will learn a great deal.

So thank you to all of you who have ever replied to any of my questions and keep up the responses whatever they might be.

Myrtle - dust yourself down and keep posting - but be ready for anything.

Miki = keep your advice and comments coming.

Hopefully, we have left kindergarten and can hack it in the real World.


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Can I turn this round on its head. Visit to friends in West Country, we were staying in self contained guest accomodation opposite. Rung up on the Thurday evening before to say we should be there for 8:30 pm Friday. Telephoned back to point out that as both of us were working in London that afternoon it was not practical and as we had already paid in full what was the problem with giving the keys to our friends. They said they liked to personally greet and vet their guests very grudeingly agreed 10 pm.

You guys choose this life, if you do not think it is worth staying out of bed till 3 am or getting out of bed at 3:30 am to greet some idiots who cannot even buy a map of France then you should make another choice about life style.

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[quote user="Anton Redman"]

You guys choose this life, if you do not think it is worth staying out of bed till 3 am or getting out of bed at 3:30 am to greet some idiots who cannot even buy a map of France then you should make another choice about life style.


Yes, we chose this life.  AND we choose not to stay up till all hours.  We make the rules, not the guests.

That does not preclude me getting out of bed to make breakfast at 6.00am if they are leaving early.  But only if I choose to make an exception.  I'm nobody's slave.

EDIT:  I stand corrected.  Jude has just pointed out that I am her slave - but nobody else's. [:)]

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