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Is B and B viable as a money earner?


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Is B and B really a viable option to increase your income? 

What are the minimum number of rooms required to make a substantial amount?

How many weeks could one expect to fill the rooms in a year near Josselin do you think?

Do you need a private sitting room for the rooms?  Well, shared between the rooms?

Would it need to be a Micro bic if it involved 3 bedrooms?  If the husband was working that is, elsewhere (abroad) and the wife was running the business in France.

What standards does a B and B need to meet, kitchen wise, what is in the bedrooms, standards of furnishings etc?

What can one charge for a double bedded room?

Can one keep large smelly dogs at the same time as having a B and B?

This is not for me, I hasten to add!  My dogs are not smelly anyway - well not very!


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I don't wish to sound unhelpful, although I probably will sound very much so, but these questions are those of someone who has done absolutely NO research into even the most basics.  If anyone is even vaguely serious they should be able to find out the answers to all of these questions very, very easily by reading almost any literature about B&Bs anywhere, including this B&B forum.  If there are still questions after that then please post again.
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Ooh, that's a bit harsh.

Maybe Fil doesn't know how to do a search, maybe s/he has and there's not much info there (or maybe too much). Maybe Fil has and needs to check his/her research results against the views of fellow forumites?

I'm not aware you are a Moderator and so I'm amused that you feel it your role to decide when someone can post, even if it's rather vague?

Fil, I would start by using google to find B & Bs with websites in your area and look at what they offer and how much they charge. Occupancy rates will vary hugely according to a variety of criteria (price competitiveness, repeat business, location, success of marketing etc). There's little doubt that many B & Bs are lifestyle businesses producing a bit of 'pin money' only. Good luck in your search.

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Thanks Dick!  I said it sounded harsh but to be quite honest ALL of these questions have been answered more times that I care to count and if the same, very basic questions are asked sooooo often people (as is evident by my first response) will become bored with answering them!  Sory Darn but that's the way it is.  And if Fil does look at this B&B forum she will very, very easily be able to find the answers.

I don't think of myself as a moderator, it was just a turn of phrase. 

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I agree with Dick & St A.  Would also point out that B & B and 'substantial amount' in the same sentence is a bit of a joke!! Some answers however.    Ask yourself would you stay with a large smelly dog?  Anyone trying to run B & B alone is mad - I am exhausted by the end of the season and I get substantial amount of help from husband although he works full time, plus have full time help in August.
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It was the discourtesy in your throwaway "turn of phrase" I was referring to.

If  the "same, very basic questions are asked sooooo often people ....will become bored with answering them" why did you? If might have been just as quick to answer one or two of them!

If it were possible to see Fil's previous posts (I don't think it is on this forum)and it was clear that s/he had asked and answered loads on this (sub)forum then it might be reasonable to get a bit exasperated but maybe s/he's been on another sub-forum and thus might not be familiar with what is and what is not a basic question on this one. Look at the swiming pool section and the same questions about pool type, filters and chemicals are continually asked but I never see 'Poolguy' reject them out of hand as naive and basic.





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[quote user="Fil"]


Is B and B really a viable option to increase your income? 

What are the minimum number of rooms required to make a substantial amount?

How many weeks could one expect to fill the rooms in a year near Josselin do you think?

Do you need a private sitting room for the rooms?  Well, shared between the rooms?

Would it need to be a Micro bic if it involved 3 bedrooms?  If the husband was working that is, elsewhere (abroad) and the wife was running the business in France.

What standards does a B and B need to meet, kitchen wise, what is in the bedrooms, standards of furnishings etc?

What can one charge for a double bedded room?

Can one keep large smelly dogs at the same time as having a B and B?

This is not for me, I hasten to add!  My dogs are not smelly anyway - well not very!



OK then, let's take them in order

1. Yes, though it depends on how much you want . After all a 1% increase is still an increase.

2. It all depends on how you are marketing yourself. I have often seen a figure of 12 weeks quoted as a reasonable average to aim for in respect of holiday houses, and wouldn't imagine B&B is a lot different overall, though you are looking at daily lets rather than weekly.

3. Many B&Bs don't have them, but it's someting I personally like to see.

4. Micro-bic is merely a simplified way of accounting, where you can opt to apply a standard percentage to cover expenses etc rather than keep full accounts. It is limited by income rather than number of rooms, and you, or your accountant, would need to do your sums in order to see if this would be the right regime for you. Your business plan would tell you, and you need a business plan to start a business in France. If the B&B is an add-on to some other income then micro bic is usually the sensible option, but that might not work so well if the other income arises from outside France.

5. There are no set standards, it depends on whether you want to be graded, and at what level. Best thing to do is to download the guidance notes (in French of course) from the Gites de France web site.

6. Look at other B&Bs of the same standard in your local area.

7. As long as they can be kept well away from the guests - though many like animals. Our neighbour's large smelly dog became quite an attraction.

I realise that is no more informative than the other replies you have received, but at least I hope it won't be perceived as too dismissive.


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The season here in Josselin is short.  Eight weeks?  Certainly by 15th August, people are drifting back to work.  When I did it it was mainly July and August.  I wouldn't recommend it for a sole person.  I was cream crackered!  All that ironing in 35°C.

Actually in Josselin we are well served by hotels and b&b.  Once upon a time, in the good old days when people came here to look for a holiday home, the b&b scene was busy but now that the people have bought their houses and let their friends visit them cheaply or run gites on the black....  There are a lot of British around here now with a spare bedroom or two.

Also, in Josselin most b&b don't do evening meals as there is so much choice for eating out if that is why you were asking about the kitchen.

All the restaurants are closed now...I have been trying to find one open during the week on an evening (one we like, that is) and there is nothing open.

I can recommend the lovely sunny October weather though.

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yes, I've been a member for ages, but this is really a 'could anyone be so mad as to want to do it, truly, when living in the company of two enormous stinky dogs' question.  See my posting for my friend on the legal issues, titled 'verbal contracts'.  This is to do with that one - as my friend's mum and stepdad are 'claiming' that they want to do the B and B business to make ends meet as they are so 'poor' even though he has a very well paid job.  We (my friend and I and our two husbands) all think it is just an excuse that will never materialise (especially as the mum will be running it on her own mostly and we do not think she will evict the dogs) and we just put on the posting in a hurry yesterday to see what reaction we got! 

And the reaction was what we thought!  Anyone wanting to do B and B must do thorough research (I obviously have not bothered as it is not for me, but we strongly suspect the people in question have not done it either, as it is a/ a ruse and b/ not true at all.).  Anyone who has done the research would realise that it is not a cure all for lack of money and is also very hard work!

So don't jump on my back all of you, saying 'do your own research' as I have NO intentions of getting into B and B, and neither has my friend, and neither, we think, does her mum.  But if she does, we are sure it will be completely without the research.


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[quote user="andyh4"]


she did say that the enquiry was not for her (last line of OP).  How much detail are we expected to give before we get an sensible answer - life history?


Not at all Andy but I have to admit, in six years of participating in this forum, the wording of Fil's message made me decide I could really not be bothered to give help.  OK, so the query wasn't for her, but she was still expecting the rest of us to make the effort to answer the questions for her friend, when on the surface it appeared to be yet another person typing in a short note and wanting everyone else to do the work for them.  If it had been worded slightly deifferent, without giving either hers, or her freinds life stories, I'm sure she would have had a much more positive response. In fact, she did take the time to give virtually a life story in the verbal contracts thread, and on reading that, if I knew any of the answers for her I would have been very willing to help in any way.  Unfortunately Fil, I'm not too up on that situation, just sorry to hear your friends are in such an unpleasant predicament.

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thanks everyone.  I had just spent ages writing the first one on verbal contracts, as my friend was round at our place and we did not have alot of time.  So was quick on the second one.  She has never used the forum, so was amazed you could get so much info on it.  We did have a browse through on the search, but didn't find anything for her.  Especially not on the verbal contracts.  I've just updated that one too, as I don't like it when someone posts an enquiry and then that is the last input they make on a subject.  I think when someone answers, the poster owes it to them to reply at least and say thanks.

So thanks again!


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Poor Fil. She asks a series of simple questions and she gets slated for it.

Probably the same questions all of the established B&B hosts asked when they were thinking of setting up.

It astonishes me how some people take great pleasure in trying to show their superiority on Forums at the expense of others.

Shame on you!
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[quote user="MikeT"]It astonishes me how some people take great pleasure in trying to show their superiority on Forums at the expense of others.

Shame on you![/quote]

Got to get our kicks somehow!  [:D]

I haven't been doing this as long as the other B&B owners here so we're probably still regarded as wet behind the ears, though it has been a steep learning curve.  But after our first full year I now think you can make a decent living out of B&B, but it depends on making the right sort of house in the right area with the right marketing and attitude and working your nuts off. 

Anyone can probably do it for a bit of extra pin money, but is it worth the aggro if that's all you're doing it for?

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Nowt strange about that Twinks! St Amour often helps people.

I disagree with the guy above who said Fil asked a list of 'simple questions'. As I was reading them, for each one I thought 'Blimey, this is a thread on it's own...' and so on.

No offense to Fil intended here at all. I'm not sure how long Fil has been reading the forum but s/he seems content with the response.

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