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gdf epis classification


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Hi all

Bit scared of writing this after seeing the 'Fil grilling', but I've read the standard French living & running a French B&B books, been on the gdf website and used the search facility fella on the forum.....and still need to ask a stupid question!

Is there a list of how gdf classify / what facilities and standards one has to reach to gain the 1-4 epis?

This is 'where we're at': http://www.livingfrance.com/blogs/marksblog.asp. We (hopefully) will be moving into the little house in Boussan (near Oust in the Ariege) in January and aim to use the bathroom and bedroom on the first floor for 'b&bing'. We'll consider going through gdf but it would be good to know what's needed for each epis. Does anyone know where I can find this info? ...... or is it simply a case of being very nice to the local gdf assessors 'discretion' at the time of their visit?! Surely not.............

Thanks! Squidgie


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Thanks for that - looks like it's for gites rather than chambre d'hotes though? please please forgive me if I'm being stupid  ........

So basically, unless you have two points of access into the house (brain considered getting Mark to knock a second hole in the front wall of the house for a moment there).. ..all you can ever hope to acheive 2 epis?!

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There used to be a checklist to B&B classification on the GdF site but it disappeared a year ago.  There is a guide for prospective B&B owners GUIDE DU CREATEUR but it does not give you the checklist that the inspectors use for grading and does not contain the details that you really need about furniture, bed sizes, mattresses, etc.

If you contact your local GdF office (relais) for your region then they may send you a copy of the checklist.  I may still have the one that was used for ours somewhere - if I can find it, I'll scan and email you it if you like.  You'll need to email me first as I can't send attachments from the Forum.

Basically, the B&B classifications are based on a combination of room size, room facilities and bathroom facilities.  Certain things are "must have" requirements - like for 1-3 epis rooms have to be at least 12msq with a ceiling height throughout of at least 1.80m (though this can be bent a bit for sloping roofs and exposed beams), 18msq for 4 epis.  This excludes bathroom areas.

There have been other threads about this in the past year - if you do a search for "epis" you should find them.

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Hi Squidge

I contacted GDF via website for gites classification, they sent me a rather large brochure outlining all the equipment interior (bed sizes etc) and exterior required for classification, they may have a similar brochure for B&B, it may be worth conatcting them, (they will send info to UK address as well as French) There is also Clevacances, I don't know what their record is, but they cover B&B also. Good luck with your move[:)]


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I wouldn't rely on it too much though Squidge.  Unfortunately it DOES seem to come down to the inspector and their mood on the day.

I know some think that this is sour grapes on my part but I had the grille that I think Cassis is talking about and went through it with a fine toothcomb comparing my own property with it and marking myself down wherever possible or where there was any room for ambiguity, personal taste or doubt.  I still came up with the fact that two of my three rooms were well over the minimum number of points needed for 3 epis.  However, when the Angel of Death came to inspect she said she couldn't give us more than two epis.  I knew that we could improve by putting window grilles at two windows that were less than a metre from the ground and replacing two shower curtains with glass screens.  I asked if that was all that we needed to do to get the extra epis.  She told me that it was all very nice but we could NEVER get a 3 epis rating because our rooms are too small.  One is 11sq m (that's the one, which although only a metre too small, is, if you are being a real jobsworth, too small), another is 14sq m and the other is 18sq m.  All have standard height ceilings, so where's the problem?

We know of another couple who have a  1970's pavilion in a village - I didn't think they were even considered by gdf but they got a 3 epis rating from the same girl without even inspecting their mattresses or bed linen [6]  In fact, without even going INTO the bedrooms, just standing in the doorways.

We've had French people stay here who can't believe that we're not a 3 epis, they've told us how they've stayed in 3 epis place that aren't anywhere near as nice as ours - so have I (but then I'mbiased[;-)])  So now I just don't care - I get plenty of French bookings (which is why I wanted gdf in the first place) and I make sure that I follow their requirementes re facilities etc, ie one chair per person per room, one bedside lamp etc., just in case this compulsory rating idea ever comes into effect because I believe that they will use the gdf guidelines.

So use the grille to prepare yourself but if you get a b*** like the one we had inspecting, well, just rip the grille up and keep your fingers crossed [blink]

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I remember you told me about this once before, St Amour.  Have you thought about having the director of your relais to check it out?  Or is he/she a *!§**?* as well?  It's a bummer if you get some snotty jobsworth who won't play fair. 

The inspector and the assistant director who came to us, first in order to check our architect's plans and then to classify us, were really nice and helpful.  It was one of them who told us about getting a grant for the rooms from the Comité Départmentale de Tourisme, which will pay our GdF fees for the next 30-odd years!  Luck of the draw, I guess.

All that aside, you do stand more of a chance of getting the grading if you follow the grille - forewarned is forearmed and all that.  I've just  finished scanning the grille and I've put it into .pdf format.

Anyone who wants to download it can get it from here:

Gites de France Classification for B&B

It's hosted on our website server.  Let me know if it doesn't work!

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That's the one I used Cassis and scored pretty much well over 2/3 of the way up the 3 epis range!!!  I've heard the director is the worst of the lot!!!! [:(]  Still, like I said, as long as I know that I am complying with all their regs then I'll feel confident if a compulsory inspection/rating is brought in some time in the future.
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[quote user="St Amour"]

She told me that it was all very nice but we could NEVER get a 3 epis rating because our rooms are too small.  One is 11sq m (that's the one, which although only a metre too small, is, if you are being a real jobsworth, too small), another is 14sq m and the other is 18sq m.  All have standard height ceilings, so where's the problem?


If it's just that one room that is blocking the third épi, you could just have the other two classified.  I know our relais is not above doing this - it is not actually a requirement that all your rooms be classified, but they do prefer it.

Mind, if your relais is that bad, they probably wouldn't consider that option. [:(]

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I'd have thought so too but she implied that it was all the rooms.  But then we all know how you have to ask exactly the right question to get the answer you want in France!  I could try again.  Perhaps when we've finished all our work and we have a larger dining room and an exclusive guest living room.  Then I really will "grille" her as to why we can't have the third one!![:P]
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hi all

just wanted to say thanks to all for your input and help...... i've printed off the grille de classement and i'll email the gdf guys down in the ariege and ask for a 'welcome/info pack'!

i'll be back soon with another question no doubt!

squidgie x



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  • 4 weeks later...
We had no problems with the inspectors from Gites de France when they came to look at our cottages.  However, I was surprised to find that the two inspectors, one male one female, were in fact gite proprietors in their own right.  In other words, they are business competitors.

I have no idea if the same situation applies when it comes to Chambres d'Hotes. 

Coco, could your inspectors be competitors?  Might they prefer not to have another 3 epis rated establishment nearby?  Is this why you'll never get the top rating?


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That is the norm Pat. Same thing exactly with Ch d'hôtes.

Our main "competetitor" lives about 800 metres away. She is one of several local inspectors as well. (the area has one of the largest amounts of C'dH's with G de Fr) She is OK and often it is handy to ring her on other matters. We exchange "overs" and get on well with each other.

They can't make up any regulations to hinder you and if they do, one should go direct to the regional Director with any complaint one might have. The Director will not want to hinder any new people uneccessarily, what sense would that make?

Top rating is 4.....not 3, we are happy enough with 3, our place, like the majority, would never get 4 Epis.

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If she had been an owner/inspector it may explain it but she works full-time for GDF.  What grates more is that she gave another English couple I know of who have a modern pavilion in a village of about 1000 population a 3 star rating without even walking into the bedrooms and inspecting beds, linen etc.  I thought that such an "urban" property had to come under cle de vacances rather than GDF, but then, clearly, what do I know? [:(]

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Faced with competition from the likes of Clévacances, B&B, Fleurs du Soleil et al, GdF are starting to relax the rules on property types in some regions so they no longer have to be 'vieilles pierres" in character. 

I'm very surprised that even the crappiest and most incompetent relais would dare to give an agrément, never mind a classement, without the rooms being looked at - sure someone's not winding you up?

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No, she did "look"at their rooms but didn't go through them with a fine tooth comb like she did mine, ie, pull back the duvet to inspect the bedding, lift the mattress to make sure there was a sommier underneath, ask what the duvet was made of, blah, blah, blah.  I just don't think she liked me[:(]
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[quote user="Cassis"]Faced with competition from the likes of Clévacances, B&B, Fleurs du Soleil et al, GdF are starting to relax the rules on property types in some regions so they no longer have to be 'vieilles pierres" in character. 

I'm very surprised that even the crappiest and most incompetent relais would dare to give an agrément, never mind a classement, without the rooms being looked at - sure someone's not winding you up?

We have had three inspections by different organisations here in France. All of them took the beds apart and even checked the labels on the sheets etc. They measured all our rooms and they all failed one room which was 9.6 or 7 square metres depending who measured it (the minimum is 10). They inspected both the interior and exterior of the house and were here for between two and three hours. One even tried to leave without putting the beds back as they found them so we told them to go back and do so before they could leave. We got the same grading from all three so answering back does not seem to make a difference and they all seem to use roughly the same criteria for inspections.

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