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Hi all,

We sent off some documents on the old CDS website before they closed it, this was for over 5 year CDS. Yesterday we received the following from the prefecture.

Votre demande de titre de séjour a été instruite par la préfecture. Elle porte le numéro suivant : (numéro 'GED' à rappeler dans vos futures démarches).

Certaines pièces manquent toutefois à votre dossier.

Afin de finaliser votre démarche, merci de nous communiquer dans les plus brefs délais les éléments suivants :

1. Justificatif de domicile de moins de 3 mois

2. Avis d’imposition 2020 ou autres preuves de ressources financières pour l’année 2020

3. Attestation de couverture sociale en cours de validité

4. Justificatif égal ou datant de plus de 5ans, pour justifier des 5 ans de présence sur le territoire français

5. Justificatifs datant de 2009.(année d’arrivée sur le territoire) afin de justifier votre présence sur le territoire français.

6. Acte de naissance

7. Acte de mariage (si mariage)

Pour cela, vous devez vous connecter à nouveau sur le site https://contacts-demarches.interieur.gouv.fr/brexit-demande-titre-sejour/

Cocher sur la page d’accueil la case « Complément ». Puis saisir votre numéro de dossier (qui figure au début de ce message) afin de télécharger les pièces demandées.

Ceci est un message automatique, merci de ne pas y répondre.

On entering the website the only documents that they were asking for was numbers 1. and 5. How do I upload the remainder that they were asking for?

Thanks in advance for any help.
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AFAIK the site only allows for 2 documents to be downloaded. If they want more, they are likely to ask for them when they invite you for your interview. At least that's what they did in my case.

I think you will have to contact them again to clarify their demands
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Thanks Mint.

The email they sent is automated so I have sent them a message via the contact page on the Prefecture site.

I didn't realise that they wanted so many documents especially if you read the R.I.F.T website that says over 5 years only need passport, proof of residency 2020 and proof of ownership in 2009..

Nothing is easy here is it..
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It looks as though you didn't send the documents they asked for on the old website.

We applied via that site in January last year and when the new system opened we were asked for proof of residence for 2020, which obviously we didn't have originally.

Then we renewed our passports, so using the new system I uploaded those. There is a "complémentaire" option to send additional or changed documents. You could use this to send your missing ones, and if there is a limit then just do it as many times as it takes.
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I don't know Mint, but the instruction was that if you have already applied under the previous system (and been allocated a number) then you don't need to reapply. I take that to mean "don't reapply" but that's just my interpretation.

I can't understand why the OP can't add further documents, sorry.

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If have already applied on the web portal I don't think it will let you make a duplicate application.

I believe there is a Help function on the website somewhere where you can send a message to the teckie guys if you're having a technical problem. Maybe try that, tell them what the prefecture is asking for and see if they can un-grey the boxes for you? If they can't, hopefully they'll suggest what you should do.

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There, elamessa has it right, you can't do a fresh application when you have a GED already.

Woolly, by "old system" I meant the portal that opened around New Year last year, which was when we applied.

The OP doesn't already have a CdS I don't think, but needs to simply add some documentation to the new system.

Problem of terminology here I think.
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Elamessa, are you using this link


This is the English version, you simply need to click on the "complement" and take it from there.

(Sorry I can't post a clickable link)
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elamessa wrote the following post at 24/01/2021 18:41:

"I can't find a contact for tech guys on the site so I will wait for a reply from the Prefecture."

@elamessa - this is the address given on the website to contact if you have a problem using the site::

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Thanks for your replies. On this website


There is - To apply, you will need to send a photographed or scanned copy of your passport as well as one or more other additional documents depending on your situation (see table link).

The table link has -

I have been living in France for more than 5 years -

I have never held a permanent residence permit*

1*. A valid passport

2*. The residence permit which I hold or, if I have never had a residence permit in France, a document indicating the date of settlement in France.

3*. Proof of residence in France 2020

As I have sent these in the past, although proof of residence was for 2019 (under the old system) then I don't understand why they want the rest of the documents...

I am still waiting for a reply from the prefecture.
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Prefectures do have discretion to ask individuals for additional documents over and above those that the website requires everybody to send. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't, I guess it just depends what information they have in your dossier and whether they feel it is conclusive proof that the conditions have been met.

If they insist, and you feel they're asking for unreasonable proofs that contravene the withdrawal agreement, you can of course contest it but realistically, it's probably quicker and easier just to send what they're asking for. I do think it might be worth an email to site support, to see if they can ungrey a few boxes..

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I agree with ET. They do list any "additional" documents they want on your letter of invitation to attend for fingerprints and finalise your application.

I knew I had to produce my act de naissance, so I took that along. The interviewer then asked me about resources. I pointed out that resources were not mentioned in my letter and I showed her the letter. She agreed with me and the interview as over in no time.
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Thanks all, the grey out parts on the website are now available but are only asking for documents that I have already sent ie Passport, proof of last 3 months and date of residence. So sent again. Nowhere to upload any other documents.

Will wait for prefecture reply.
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The request for proof of residence for 2020 is not unreasonable, they do need to know that you have continued to live in France even though you were living here for more than 5 years before that. We had to do the same.

As others suggest, it's usually easier to simply send what they ask for instead of questioning it. Good luck.
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If you had already qualified for permanent residence before the end of transition, under the WA you are permitted an absence of up to 5 years before you lose your rights. So not living in France during 2020 shouldn't matter unless you also didn't live there in 2019, 18, 17 and 16.

From the website it appears that those who already hold a 10 year CdS aren't asked to prove residence in 2020 but those who don't already hold a 10 year CdS, are.

I don't know why but that's how it appears.
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We are in 56 and had our RDV on Thursday in Vannes. We got our 10 year cards in 2016 and were asked to bring in

votre passeport ;

• deux photographies d’identité récentes (format 35 mm x 45 mm) (pas de copie) ;

• un justificatif de domicile 2020 ;

• votre ancien titre de séjour ;
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