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Is this going to be a bumper year?......


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Or are bookings just coming in differently? I always get a flurry of bookings in January, usually family one or two night bookings for either end of their two week gite holiday in July or August, amounting to maybe a thousand euros worth of lettings.  However, this year, come New Year's Day I had zero bookings for 2007, as of last night I had taken 3,500 euros worth - all a minimum of 3 days and only two of those bookings for August - one for 5 days and one for 4 days!

Is anyone else experiencing this kind of an increase in early bookings?  Is it going to last?  Why is it happening?  They're from all over the world, so it's not one particular country's economy being good.  They have been made up of predominantly Americans followed by Brits, then French and Australian.  One guest we had in last week wondered whether perhaps more Americans are holidaying in France because the dollar is so weak against the pound.  Any thoughts?

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We are getting slightly more the average amount of advance bookings  I would say. We have had a few 7-14 day bookings, which for this time of year, is not so normal. We normally get those type of requests later on in the year as and when folks finally decide on their plans. One couple though, have booked 18 days with evening meals in June ! Now that really is rarer than rocking horse poo, well for us anyway.

I don't think I have never known two years B&B or even Gîtes, to be booked in the same manner but I have always said, the bottom line is when one closes for the season (or if one stays open all year, the Jan-Dec figures overall) and if it is the same or better than the season before, then that is what really matters I guess.

Many folks with a good gîte or B&B biz will know, if you have built up a good business with seasons showing consistently good bookings, year after year, the truth is, you can't do much better. Only putting prices up can sometimes make a difference to figures. I can remember thinking  in years gone by in April/May "cripes, we still have 4 weeks  high season (gîtes) to let" and then eventually they do get booked. And in another season year, gone by end of March, or before. One thing for sure, things will never get easier and only get more difficult to maintain ones takings.

B&B we have never found easy to get bookings before the year actually gets underway. I can't remember having that many bookings in Nov/Dec for the following year.

Bonne chance à tous

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Very interesting Coco. It looks as if the Americans are rediscovering France for their vacations. Maybe having gone through the anti-France thing when Chirac & Co refused to support George Bush, and now realising that for once the French might have got it right after all, they want to make amends? And perhaps France is again a holiday desitination for the British rather than a place to buy a cheap house because that woman on the telly from Scottish Widows told them they could.
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I'm still flabbergasted at the rate of bookings.  I noticed an old posting on the gite forum that has re-emerged from last October about the number of early bookings for gites for 2007.  I wonder whether this is having a knock-on effect to B&Bs because January has traditionally been busy for us for summer bookings, but as I said before they've always been one night enquiries.  Yesterday afternoon alone I took 1100 euros worth and they're all 4 nights plus that are booking at the moment.  I'm already up to a quarter of the whole of last year's takings so I'm a very happy bunny! [:D][:D]  California seems to be the hot spot for bookings at the moment - what happened to their two weeks annual leave a year?  I can't believe they're wanting to spend their entire annual allocation at my humble little B&B but that's the sort of enquiries we're getting!

Miki said his bookings are up for the time of year too.  Is it a regional thing or are you lot darn sarf experiencing it too?

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We decided to stop b/b after the completion of our second gite two years ago. House hunters have dwindled to very few here in the Deux Sevres which were our main guests 6 years ago. Many other b/b hosts nearby have decided to rent out the entire house and some have had to camp out elsewhere. I would presume that those that can afford to 'weather the storm' will eventually have more clients because of lack of competition.

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I've actually got clients NOW - in January.  This will be our 4th year and this is the first time anyone has poked their nose around the door much before March.  We too are getting early bookings - not as many as you Coco, but still some early ones nevertheless.  I'm still nervous though.  Last year had a whole load of bookings fell through in March as all the planes on Tuesdays were cancelled for several weeks in a row due to strikes.  NOT good news for my nice special offers Tuesday to Saturday or Thursday to Tuesday.  I can tell you I was really upset - not the customers' fault, I was extremely short with any French friends who said the strikes were for 'solidarité des travailleurs'!

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Hope it keeps up for you Cerise!  We too have had guests in for two weekends in January and have two weekends in Feb booked as well as a booking for March.  Last year we had one night in January and not another thing until Easter!!!

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