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Local Tax form modele CBD


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 Has anyone experience of receiving a form from the Impots called  ' Locaux Commerciaux et Biens Diverse ' ;  Modele CBD Cerfa 6660 . Its asks for information about room dimensions and uses and is clearly targetted at shops restaurants etc. However there is one section which refers to  ' Local utilise par un meme occupant a la fois pour l'habitation et a un autre usage (commerce, artisanat ) ' This may have been generated automatically as I registered the C/D last summer . Or they may be fully aware of the use and want to harvest information for ...?? .

I plan to reply to the effect that the property is a private home and see what response this generates . Any advice or similar experience ?



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 I registered the C/D ????????????

Anyway its the "rating" revaluation form for commercial properties. In effect its the equivalent of the dreaded H form for a residential property. Are you by chance running some sort of business from home?

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                       Thanks for the information ; registered the c/d means registered the chambres d'hote at the chamber of commerce . I assume then that this has been sent in error ? Any advice about how to respond to it ?



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I don't think BJSLIV really meant any harm when he asked about the c/d, I think a reasonable guess would have got us all to Chambres d'Hôte. Just to save any future possibility of error the more common abbreviation in CDH.

As BJSLIV said it's because you are using part of your house as a business, namely as a CDH. You should complete the form giving the sizes of the rooms you let out including the shared areas (but indicate they are shared). This will not be an extra tax simply an alternative tax and some say it can work out cheaper. You should also say when you open and close each year.

Hope that helps.

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Probably doesn't apply to CdH, but you will find that if you designate a room in your house as being for business use, you will probably end up paying some taxe professionelle in addition to your taxe d'habitation (though this may represent a saving) but more importantly you may be able to offset a proportion of your heating, lighting etc costs against income. This isn't available for all types of business so do talk to the accountant - you have one of course?
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Thanks Quillan , Will . I posted  a query on the Taxe Prof  vs. Taxe Hab issue in September ( Page  3 ) and got a pretty authoritative response from Jo Taylor to the effect that CDHs  should normally be exempt . However its handy to know that there should be no financial downside if they choose to pursue this route . My concern  ( and its probably irrational ) is that it embeds the possibility of a capital gain charge on resale . I prefer to keep things as simple as possible and involve as few agencies as possible .  ( Will, I'm afraid my experience with accountants has been expensive and unsatisfactory  and with a Microbic the business expense relief is fixed .)
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