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Autoentrepreneur 12% or 21%?


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Bonsoir ,

I've just read a feature article in the latest Connexion which quotes a cotisation rate of 21.3% for Chambres d"hotes. All the previous information I've seen , from Novelli's meetings with GdeF in December to various comments on this and other forums (a!) support a rate of 12% . Is this a case of sloppy journalism or has something changed ? Any thoughts ?
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Thanks Clair and BJSLIV ; 18% is the rate for Prof. Liberales so that suggests it has been incorrectly classified ; interestingly, if you click on BJSLIV's link and go to the left sidebar , under "exemples d'activities" it lists chambres d'hotes . Go to the page and scroll to the bottom and it quotes comments by Nevelli that the rate applicable is 12 % .

I was rather hoping that someone affiliated to GdeF had received official clarification from them ( its been in existence since January ). Anyone heard anything formally ?
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[quote user="mike.m"]

I was rather hoping that someone affiliated to GdeF had received official clarification from them ( its been in existence since January ). Anyone heard anything formally ?[/quote]

We're with GdeF, and I attended a meeting organised by them earlier in the year.  We were told then that we are 'commercants' and pay at 12%, and that's what I've paid, on-line through net-enterprises.fr for the last 2 quarters.


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Thanks Lachouette ; thats what I'd hoped to have confirmed . Makes me now wonder where the journalist got her information and how many CdH owners have been misinformed by an authoritative source . I'm going to email the Connexion and ask for a correction .
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I believe it is always a mistake to take notice of amateur sources just because they are in English.

Nobody has ever accused 'The Connection' of good journalism or being well-informed [:D]

The same thing could be said even of this Forum , except that there the advice offered is open to discussion and qualified by others, and Moderators such as Clair are very good at finding the French 'texte' which is "the horse's mouth".

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